The beginning of the end? First National Bank breaks ties with the NRA following customer outrage...

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Oct 24, 2015
At Wikipedia, edits that source are often reverted since Daily Mail "... has been widely criticized for its unreliability, as well as printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories ..." WP:RS (Wikipedia Policy on Identifying Reliable Sources) advises that the Daily Mail is broadly considered a questionable and prohibited source.
This is not the end.

But it may possibly in fact conceivably be the start of the end of the beginning of the start of the end if it isn't in fact just the opposite which it very well may or may not certainly be.

Fine logic to me.
It is the start of finding out who is who and where is your ideology when put to the test. The key reason I voted for Trump is that each of us will find out exactly where the other stands. Know your enemies and friends.
Now you are starting to find out. This dynamic is not exclusive to the gun community. We are now forcing people to take a stand on all matters relating to the American way of life. I, for I am only one man, am happy to face our issue head on. The past decades of the 'head in the sand' American will hopefully begin to come to an end.
It is the start of finding out who is who and where is your ideology when put to the test. The key reason I voted for Trump is that each of us will find out exactly where the other stands. Know your enemies and friends.
Now you are starting to find out. This dynamic is not exclusive to the gun community. We are now forcing people to take a stand on all matters relating to the American way of life. I, for I am only one man, am happy to face our issue head on. The past decades of the 'head in the sand' American will hopefully begin to come to an end.

That is what I like to hear, so much "chicken little" everywhere. Not that there is not reason to be concerned, but now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to man up.
Enterprise Rent a Car has also cut ties with the NRA.

I never liked these product tie-ins. (The AARP is guilty of this even more so.) They distract from the core mission of the organization, and have an odor of corruption about them.
Stop with Sky is Falling Proclamations!!!

This isn’t good.

Why isn't it good?

The NRA is made up of millions of individual citizens. A Bank relies on large number of the same citizens to deposit their money in it to stay in business.

So if a bank does not share the same beliefs I do there are a lot of other banks to choose from that do.

It is the start of finding out who is who and where is your ideology when put to the test. The key reason I voted for Trump is that each of us will find out exactly where the other stands. Know your enemies and friends.
Now you are starting to find out. This dynamic is not exclusive to the gun community. We are now forcing people to take a stand on all matters relating to the American way of life. I, for I am only one man, am happy to face our issue head on. The past decades of the 'head in the sand' American will hopefully begin to come to an end.

Right on! Trump is drawing a clear line that is forcing both politicians and businesses to publically state their true beliefs and business practices.

If this trend continues, I think I will open a bank. Any takers?

Only if you offer a firearm instead of interest when I open a C.D. account (for 5 years as a example). ;) Come to think of it I remember a Bank did that once by offer a shotgun and the program was very successful.:)
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As I posted elsewhere on the Frist National stance:
I'm in Omaha and even though first national is a point of pride here everyone I work with is looking to close their accounts over this. They aren't even "gun guys" but locally this is making waves. I'm interested to see how this plays out after the counter boycott.
The issue is whether you have a general social trend against gun ownership as happened with smoking. More telling is whether young folks will be convinced of such. The next generation might not think the arguments of Wayne and crew are convincing, given their fear and reality of threat.

My fear is that current RKBA advocates aren't up to the challenge of making a coherent argument outside of those which make money for them or votes, from the choir.
Will it make a difference to a NRA member? I've been a NRA member for more years than I care to remember and I have never used one of their credit cards, never used my NRA membership card for a discount on any item.

Same here
The fight has been going on for a long time and will continue long after we are gone. Because we have the truth on our side, we will never be defeated. Our members are dedicated to being self reliant, resourceful and determined. We don't quit.

Similarly, there will always be those who will choose to be deceitful and there will always be those who are uninformed and deceived. They are certainly formidable and possess many talents, but personally I like our chances.
The fight has been going on for a long time and will continue long after we are gone. Because we have the truth on our side, we will never be defeated. Our members are dedicated to being self reliant, resourceful and determined. We don't quit.

Similarly, there will always be those who will choose to be deceitful and there will always be those who are uninformed and deceived. They are certainly formidable and possess many talents, but personally I like our chances.
I actually really needed a pep talk like that. Thanks. Just wish I had more people like you in my family.
The point of all of this is not to end school shootings, but to hurt the NRA and/or the 2nd Amendment. The NRA and the 2nd Amendment had nothing to do with the Florida shooting. The NRA would've loved for this Cruz psycho to have been banned from legally owning a gun, like he should've. The NRA would've loved for Scott Peterson to do his job as a guard and to have confronted the shooter, just like he was supposed to do. But neither of those things happened.

The left knows this very well. There is no legislation that could've stopped Cruz from committing this atrocity because the effective measures I mentioned were already in place, but not followed. The left always wants to use and promote emotion over reason...because that's "social justice". Actual justice, by contrast, promotes reason over emotion, which is why the law and legal procedings are so dry and boring. But as Rahm Emmanuel said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." THe left can count on people in the midst of hysteria to make the wrong decision, or a decision that's contrary to sound legal principles, so get emotion whipped up as much as possible.

The people carrying the "F the NRA" aren't people who decided last week they're against the NRA after the shooting in FL. Those are people who've been against the 2nd Amendment for years. Last week was just another opportunity. Their goal is not public safety. These are ANTIFA style activists who believe that the Constitution is a vile document invented by hateful white slave owners solely to further the cause of hatefulness. They believe in the incrementalism of Marxism to dismantle the principles of the Republic. First you destroy the most prominent rights advocacy groups, than you go after the rights specifically. You ban bump stocks - doesn't help. You ban AR's - doesn';t help. You ban Mini 14's - doesn't help. You ban hi cap mags - doesn't help. You ban all semi -auto's - doesn't help. And so on and so on and so on.

They carry signs that say "F the NRA" instead of "F Nikolas Cruz" or "F Adam Lanza" ....because Cruz and Lanza are their ALLIES! The psychos are an important part in getting the 2nd Amendment revoked...which is what this is all about!!!
Stop with Sky is Falling Proclamations!!!

Why isn't it good?

The NRA is made up of millions of individual citizens. A Bank relies on large number of the same citizens to deposit their money in it to stay in business.

So if a bank does not share the same beliefs I do there are a lot of other banks to choose from that do.

Right on! Trump is drawing a clear line that is forcing both politicians and businesses to publically state their true beliefs and business practices.

Only if you offer a firearm instead of interest when I open a C.D. account (for 5 years as a example). ;) Come to think of it I remember a Bank did that once by offer a shotgun and the program was very successful.:)


This dumb "is it the end??" trope that is exploding right now is NOT helping anyone. Don't be a Chicken Little, you CAN do something about it.
The issue is whether you have a general social trend against gun ownership as happened with smoking.
Notice that Hollywood movies, now, never show people smoking, and car drivers/passengers in movies always buckle their seat belts. But there's still a disconnect with guns: the Hollywood glitterati are in the forefront of the movement to ban guns, yet their movies are still saturated with guns. This is the worst kind of hypocrisy, and they need to be called on it.
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