The Bikers are coming....!

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Yeech... Looks like we've got a lot of guys who ride baggers here...

Back in my misspent yout, I used to run with some folks down in Kentucky... They hung out at a place off the Dixie Dieway called the Broken Spur... Some of y'all may know of whom I'm speaking. Then, thankfully before any massive damage had been done, I decided to grow up...

Overall, pretty nice buncha guys, for one percenters. There were a few crazies, but you mostly kept them under control, until you needed them. The interesting thing about the group was that they simultaneously wanted a high profile ("Hey, look at me! I'm the baddest of the bad!") and a low profile ("Just ignore my lil' ol' truck fulla Kentucky Blue, Mr. Trooper...").

Never saw any gratuitious violence that someone else didn't ask for... Did see a LOT of messing with the straights... People see 40-50 folks pull up behind 'em on bikes, and the do the weirdest things... We'd get police escorts through towns...

It looks like everyone feels the need to go overboard here. The poster had a bad experience while looking to find some peace and quiet and finds himself in the middle of a biker rally and generally being made uncomfortable

IMHO, the poster made his own bad experience. Likely largely imagined. Smile, nod, admire the scoots, and watch the freak show unreel... The folks who generally _get in trouble_ tend to cause it... These guys are in condition orange all the time... "Hey, man, looks like he's reaching for a gun! I don't recognize him, but let's do him before he does us!" Just treat 'em like you would your neighbor's rottweiler, and everyone will be happy... No sudden moves...

Who died and made you the crowned princess?

Last time I checked, I held the title to my Harley, I can afford fuel, the roads are built with tax dollars and I was born in an American state.

I can go anywhere, I can do anything that you can do.

What I'm not is a bigot. You sat in your fancy-schmancy truck and made a value decision. Well, Martha, my appearance looks just like that outlaw. I earned it. I was a club member, my colors are dirty, my Harley is loud and my attitude really sucks around "citizens" like you.

But, ya' know, I was also a credit manager for 30 years. I know the words 'credit' and 'manager' have a whole bunch of hard to understand syllables in them, but basically it's a white collar guy who decides if the money you make at the Home Depot is enough to keep your truck.

Bikers are Christians, corporate owners (Paul Teutul, Sr. could buy your whole town), a former Wisconsin governor, actors, outlaws and war veterans.

Point taken, we do more than you do and look great on a bike, to boot.

You mentioned the bikers looking at you. Here's what they thought.

"Hey look at the cager in his mom's truck. Gay?"

Last I looked I was royal by birth - and good looking by the grace of God :D

And armed courtesy of the Bulgarian armoury :evil:

No I wasn't looking for a fight - far from it. Just being cautious. Like I said, if you have ever seen 10 Galveston cops subdue a couple of drunken bikers, you tend to raise the awareness level a notch when they pull up next to you at a stoplight (and no - these bikers weren't weekend warrior types).

I expect the weekend will be eventful only by way of noise and flashy spectacle. I don't begrudge civilian bikers their hobby, I just think (like any other area of human endeavor) there are a few undesirables you have to be cautious about.

Geez - 27 posts and going onto the second page :eek: . What can I come up with for my next controversial post. Ah! I know .....
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