The case for my Grandson's M1 Garand (pictures)

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Nando Aqui

Dec 27, 2002
Something I would like to share with you -

You probably remember that I already made the case to justify giving my grandson an M1 Garand for his 13th birthday.

Well, the day is approaching, and I made a case for it. This case is not to justify the M1, but to keep it and perhaps to show it off. I inlaid the M1 on the lid using two types of walnut, cherry, mahogany, on birch.

The case, upright and laying flat:


Let's open it up. (Keyed lid locks.)

A closer look at the inside of the lid.

There is glass (acrylic) protecting the contents, so how do we get them out - or do we? Turn the case around and let's look at the bottom.

Undo three locks, and the bottom opens up, thus.

Look at the contents contained within the bottom.

Of course, everything can easily be removed. (The foam is high-density, and the rifle and other parts are completely embedded within the foam and very securely held in place.)

I had fun designing it and then building it.

My Grandson should like the rifle and the case to keep it in.

Just thought you might like to see it... Alex
I haven't seen a case for a Garand that cool since I got my first GI Joe Footlocker.

Really, thats great!
Surely the next one will be easier to build - put me on the waiting list! ;)

-sven, who loves his granddads dearly but wishes they were as cool as you
Really nice job on the inlay! On the first pic I really thought that was the rifle on top of the box. Did you cut the foam with a shop knife? Do it on the scroll saw? Is that red felt or some kind of velvet?

Abuelito! I love my new Rifle & Case. I'll send you my address. :D

Seriously, your Grandson is a very lucky young man. I'm sure this gift will always be among his most cherished.:cool:
I'm ready for adoption when you're ready to build another case with an inlaid wood Garand. ;) Nando Aqui - you, sir, are an artisan.:cool:
Man, can you think of how much all of us would absolutely love a gift like that? I sure hope he enjoys and appreciates that gift. Please get it across to him to never, ever sell that case and buy a gun safe just for it!!! I literally don't think you could put a price on that. The beauty of the work would make it pretty high, but the sentimental value would indeed make it priceless. I will be your grandson for something like that!!! Good job Gramps.
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