The cat pissed on my range bag!

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Jan 3, 2003
Stop laughing!! :scrutiny:

Here's the story. I pulled out my I-shot range bag today. Rather than sensing the delightful smell of Hoppes and oil I was hit with the distinct smell of cat squirt! :uhoh:

Fortunately it is not inside the bag. Seems to be surface contamination at most. I guess she was just marking territory or something.

Question is: Does anyone know how to WASH an i-shot range bag without damaging the color or fabric? Do I just plop it in the washing machine or should I hose the thing off with some Simple Green? Or maybe I should drench it in Hoppes and hope it overpowers the kitty juice.

Any good suggestions?

Stop laughing!!

BWAHAHAHHAHAHHA... Better the range bag than the new riding leathers, as happened an some time associate of mine years back. :evil:

To overpower the Kitty Scent, fist rinse with LOTS of water if the materail will not be harmed by a drenching. "Dilution is the solution", then get some Natures Miracle for Cats and Drench the bag, loosely seal it up in a larger bag, like a trash bag. You want to keep it damp, but not mildew. This lets the enzymes and bacteria in the Nat. Mirc. work to break down the smelly stuff in cat pee. Then rinse again and check with your nose and black light. (cat pee is sorta blue under a black light. At leat on a blue carpet. VS. cat puke, which is green..).

Find out WHY kitty pee'd there. Territory nonsense, well not much to do aside from making your displesure known WHEN it happens. On the rare occasion it happens here, my cats know that "That tone" of vocalization means EVERYBODY but me lives in the basement for a week and get only food and water, no words. Medical issues (It hurts in the cat box, maybe HERE it will not, and HERE is stinky anyways...) should/must be addressed via observation of habits and medical checks by Vet.
Confess, was it your girlfriend's cat??
Spoiled cats will often try to run off a male who's distracting mommy -
Some guys have found cat poop in their shoes!
I knew a great big red dobie once that was none to happy to see mommy with a boyfriend. He tended to scare them away.

Now let me get this straight, you have a gun(s) and the cat relieved itself on your shooting bag.

I have no suggestions for cleanup but I DO have an idea for future preventative measures...

"Cat" The other white meat......

No seriously, I think if you'll check with Wal Mart and others you'll find they make a spray for carpets and such that will neutralize the urine. Most are just sprayed on and left to soak, allowing for air drying.
You must love that cat if it's still around. Haven't had a cat for years but I can still remember that smell. Found it on my tackle box, but at least you can scrub hard plastic down. Good luck.

found your problem..

get yourself a real animal....


just wipe it down with damp cloth, toss it in the dryer with a dryer sheet, and then spray it down with hoppes to cover up the scent.. doe urine works well too. :D
Cat pee on my karate gear bag. It was a nylon bag, no particular value other than it was big. After one round in the washing machine I found the perfect cure!
Any bag hit with cat pee should be soaked thoroughly in gasoline, placed in the outside firepit and lit on fire. It got rid of the stench, nothing else worked... :evil:
let me say as a first and last resort peeing on the cat not only give great happyness to you but also stops him from peeing on your stuff and the carpet ..
Throw it out, as far as I know there is no way to get the smell out. DEFINATELY wash it good, if it gets on a gun it will strip the blueing in a heartbeat.
Wash the bag with a heavy concentrate of soap and hot water. Then get some stuff called ODO BAN (you can get it at Wal Mart), it will kill any smell thats left.
Here's a thought, if you use a gun cleaner with ammonia in it. Cat urine has ammonia in it. Cat smells ammonia, says "OK, this is where I'm supposed to go".

I've had good luck getting cat urine smell out of a hardwood floor using baking soda in water.
Here's another big vote of confidence for OdoBan.

The stuff really works. Trust me. You can use it in carpet cleaners and the laundry too.

I buy it by the gallon concentrate size but the product is now available in a regular sized spray container.

We use a product called Kids N' Pets to get out odor - works great. The cats know if they pee anywhere near the safe, much less ON it or anything around it, they will be converted to gloves and earmuffs....
"Find out WHY kitty pee'd there."

This is real good advice. My cat, 4 yo, all of a sudden started peeing in odd places, it's bed, the laundry hamper, even the bathroom trash can. Took it to the vet, it had a bladder infection. Some anti-biotics, change in food (urinary health formula) and the cat is back to normal.

"found your problem..

get yourself a real animal...."

My cat would eat that dog for lunch, LOL, he sent a chow to the vet to have it's nose sewn back on.
You know, I've never had a dog that took a whiz on anything important but one did cock on my ignorant neighbor's leg. Good boy! :D

To tell the truth I have NO love for cats....period! If that had been my cat I'd have seen how far that cat could fly...with or without wings. :evil:
Look for a product called Petastic which removes stains and odors. It works very well.

I'm just wondering if the cat was commenting on your shooting skills... :D
Cat pee is hella hard to get out of stuff. Is your cat fixed?

Go to Petsmart or Petco, they have lots of pet odor remover there, the hard part is making sure you get the remover where the smell is, because it only takes a drop to cause the smell.
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