The definative sheeple statement of the year

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Especially given the abyssimal violent crime rate in DC. How could anyone with half a brain conclude that the Council knows anything (except how to feather their own nests)?

What a world class moron.
A good standard of life is decadant. Independant thought is counterrevolutionary. Safety is not for the proletariat. :( (Insert red star here...) Disgusting. Some folks leave everything up to the authories. What to eat, what to wear, where to work. Soon they will tell folks you are not allowed to have window curtains so the police can see in. Or that telescreen with Big Brother on it can be turned down, but not completely off...
I'm not sure how "High Road" it is to pile on someone for having faith in duly elected in a representative democracy simply because she doesn't share the same opinion. She has representation that apparently shares her same beliefs. Great.

I have little doubt that if the statement if said council had just declared that every homeowner should keep a rifle and box of ammo on hand, the opinion of Jenkins statement would change drastically. I daresay that the same posters would be tripping over themselves to declare this is how it is supposed to work and it was great some politicians saw it "our" way.
"The Duly Elected" know best

This would be a good banner to fly over the entrance gate to Dachau (there is no exit gate.):

==>> "I'm not sure how "High Road" it is to pile on someone for having faith in duly elected in a representative democracy simply because she doesn't share the same opinion. She has representation that apparently shares her same beliefs. Great."

The "High Road" is the properly moral, ethical, and CONSTITUTIONAL way to travel. This quote seems to show some ambivalence in supporting our just and mutual cause. Nicht War?? There are not many lemmings on this site, but evidently there are a few. Does the Nannyocracy know best? ML
The Constitution says we DO have such a right.

==>> "" I have little doubt that if the statement if said council had just declared that every homeowner should keep a rifle and box of ammo on hand, the opinion of Jenkins statement would change drastically. I daresay that the same posters would be tripping over themselves to declare this is how it is supposed to work and it was great some politicians saw it "our" way. ""<===

"Our" Way is defined in the 2d ammendment. Use it or lose it. ML
"We feel our local council knows what we need for a good standard of life and to keep us safe," Jenkins said.

I read something like this and all of a sudden I get the urge to start goose-stepping with an upraised arm, don't these dummies know that people like me exist?
I'm not sure how "High Road" it is to pile on someone for having faith in duly elected in a representative democracy simply because she doesn't share the same opinion. She has representation that apparently shares her same beliefs. Great.

I have little doubt that if the statement if said council had just declared that every homeowner should keep a rifle and box of ammo on hand, the opinion of Jenkins statement would change drastically. I daresay that the same posters would be tripping over themselves to declare this is how it is supposed to work and it was great some politicians saw it "our" way.

I am NOT for compulsory gun ownership, just as I am not for compulsory dis-armament! Neither is right, neither is just, and while I think that some are just fools to NOT arm themselves, they certainly have the right to make that personal decision!
Does anyone remember when Marion Berry was mayor of DC --- got caught with crack on video---went to jail---and then promptly got elected to this wonderful 'Council' and then was----again----elected mayor????

Democracy has never impressed me as it is the tyranny of the majority. This statement was a great example of that mindset in action.

I'm not sure how "High Road" it is to pile on someone for having faith in duly elected in a representative democracy simply because she doesn't share the same opinion. She has representation that apparently shares her same beliefs. Great.

Look, Jorg, if you continue to be reasonable, sane, sensible, and fair you can forget about getting invited to the prom.
"We feel our local council knows what we need for a good standard of life and to keep us safe," Jenkins said.

This was the inevitable consequence of allowing women into positions of political influence. Women typically look towards others to make them safe and secure. They often value security above freedom, which explains "security moms". The country veered off from its original principals, to the left since the 19th amendment was passed.
She has representation that apparently shares her same beliefs. Great.

You mean like this one?

No guns in DC, but the mayor will help you find a prostitute and some crack if you need.
Sounds like they DO know what the people want.

Maybe not a "good standard of life" but at least a good weekend huh?

No legal content . . . . and not terribly High Road. I assume none of you have ever made a statement in favor of local control.
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