The Essential "End the AW Ban" Contact List & Sample Letter Thread!

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I thought...

I could've sworn I heard, the creator of the anti lawsuit bill asked and got the senate to vote down his bill due to the poison in it...
Feinstein wonders how the NRA moved 60 votes in the Senate...this is how. The Antis are crwoing about killing lawsuit protection and Rep McCarthy (how ironic-a Commie named McCarthy) has introduced a bill to strengthen the AWB. Send more letters, and send them now!
In light of Feinstein's actions in the Senate, it's time to dust off this thread!!!

Let's get back to work folks!
NY Patriot wrote:

In light of Feinstein's actions in the Senate, it's time to dust off this thread!!!

Let's get back to work folks!

Re that "let's get back to work folks!", does that mean that gun people had stopped "working" on this matter?

If that be the case, then in my opinion, such people are totally undeserving of such freedom as still remains.

If they haven't "gotten it" by now, when might they?

Current TOLL FREE PHONE NUMBER for Capitol Switchboard is as follows:


Freedoms, including FREEDOM OF SPEECH are funny things. If one fails to use them, they are likely to be lost. "Use em, or loose em" as has been noted by others.

By the way, re Feinstein's latest, according to the latest NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert, S. 2498 is being "held on the floor of The Senate", where is could be voted on any time, as oppposed to being sent to some committee, possibly Judiciary, as is usually the case with legisalative proposals, they go to committee for discussion, debate, possibly for hearings.

Looks like someone is playing fast and loose here. Bill Frist is Senate Majority leader. He needs to hear from a lot of people, as do the rest of the Senate.

Assault Weapons or that bolt action deer rifle, the one with a scope sight, otherwise known as a "sniper rifle" are at grave risk. Only you can save them, not to mention such other guns as the law abiding population might opt to own, for remember that the often stated and unchanging goal of the anti gunners is THE TOTAL PROSCRIPTION OF FIREARMS. Re this, NOTHING has changed, and you disregard the facts of the matter, at your peril.

End of comment, rant of whatever you choose to call it.
Well, I'm still in action-

Thanks for "dusting off" this thread, I got a big renewal of energy just from reading it again.

And now I'm sending the letters out, first batch hits the post on Monday.

That AWB is still dangerous, IMO, and we had all best be doing everything we can to head it off at the pass. Or it WILL pass!

who'd rather be shootin than writin

Just a thought, but what with the "sanitation"methods applied to snail mail, for the protection of our employees, our "elected things", you might be better off using the telephone or e-mail.

Noting that you are from California, it seems that your Senators are "part of the problem", a large part. Possibly your House of Representatives person might be better, I do not know who they are.
Thanks, Alan--

Yeah, my "representatives" are real PITA-es, aren't they. :cuss:

And I'll be using my fax machine, it's collected enough dust, time to get some use out of it! And the phone too- but I have more faith in written things, especially when I request a response.

I've even received responses from Feinswein, which proved to me beyond any doubt whatsoever that she couldn't care less about my wishes. So now I don't bother wasting my time on her, or on Boxer either. Boxer is so... umm, "intellectually challenged"... that she wrote me, thanking me for my support for her anti-gun crusading! I just can't believe that these two keep getting reelected... but then, there's no "sense" in politics, is there?

Fortunately my House rep is Duke Cunningham, and he's on our side! I do send him quite a few faxes & emails, thanking him for his efforts on our behalf, and giving him my support. That's a lot more fun than writing to the anti's!

who'd still rather be shootin'

Re the "reply" from Boxer, and the seeming confusion, I suspect the following. The "envelope stuffer" who Boxer's peop;le hired, eiyther cannot read, is terribly lazy, or disovered that there was onl;y one form lettder that addressed the issue.

I supopose that saying nothing would havce been the wiser course, but that's another matter. As for the quality or lack thereof of California's Senators, Boxer and Feinstein, two problems at work, or so it looks like to me.

First is that there are an excess of anti gun voters in California, amongst the population. Second, and perhaps more important is that the Republicans do a piss poor job of presenting any meaningful oppposition. oOf course, we have problems here in PA also, as with the ongoing re-election of Arlen Specter.
This is an "all hands on deck" moment guys... Let's get rolling!!!

Carpe Diem!
Hey everyone,

I'm bumping this thread at the moment because of the importance of contacting your Senators/Representatives.

With Feinstein, et al's S.2498 AWB Renewal Bill now on the calendar - this is increasingly important.

Make your voice heard!
To paraphrase MLK...

Well, I don't know what will happen now. We New Yorkers have some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter to me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to own new "assault weapons". New guns have their place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing Fienstein or Schumer. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the ending of the "assault weapons" ban.

Yup... kick up your heels & enjoy this moment in time folks! We've accomplished what many thought was impossible... the restoration of previously lost freedoms. It feels good, don't it?

Crack a cold one, light up a fine cigar, and go to bed tonight with more freedom than you woke up with this morning!

But remember.. The leftist gun grabbers will be back with a vengeance, and we need to rise to the challenge!

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Thanks to all that made this possible. God bless.

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