The first gun you ever shot

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I can remember shooting BB guns and air rifles in kindergarten; I can remember shooting a .22 in first grade, and shooting a .410 when I was in second grade. My dad gave me a crosman 760 in first grade. I still have it, even though the seals are long shot out. I can't bring myself to get rid of it.
My first time shooting was with my Dad when I was about eight or so. He took me out with his old surplus Carcono 6.5MM carbine with the bayonet cut off at the lug. I have that gun today, and my Dad is in the hospital, possibly dying. My wife is pregnant, and I think that I will take my kid out with that old 6.5MM Carcano with the bayonet cut off at the lug when he is eight. I love that gun.
my dad's mossberg 151m .22lr (which i now own), i was about 7 at my uncles house out in the country. shooting tin cans. it was great. since then, i have alternated betwwen motorcycles and guns. i cant get enough of one for a while, then i switch to the other for a while. both are very addicting and expensive habbits. love them both dearly. i have 5 motorcycles and 10 guns. wish i could afford more of each!
1957 Coney Island n.y. Winchester mdl 62 a real gallery gun,those were the days.Today they would consider that gallery and thier guns a terror training camp.:eek:
I don't know the model number of it but the first gun I shot was a Winchester pump action shot nothing but shorts. Tubular magazine under the barrel held 21 rounds. It was my Fathers gun. He gave it to me when him & Mom split up in my teens. I lost in pawn a few years later-Youth, stupidity, & a lot of Jack Daniels led to that, one mistake I still regret.
The first gun I shot was a star 9mm when I was 8. Two weeks later I shot some form of a .45 1911. Don't know much about the star but if I was 8 then it was 1991 so I might have to do some research and see what I can find out about it.
Oh man I think I've got everyone beat so far.

Age: 10
Location: Live Oak, Florida
Firearm: Colt Peacemaker .22LR

I still have, and probably haven't shot 100 rd thru it since then. :)

What a weapon.
Other than a BB gun as a kid, first gun (believe it or not) was 2 1/2 years ago and belonged to a Class III collector: 1921 Colt Thompson fired on full-auto !
-It's been all downhill since then.
Bubbad Chinese type (or could have been Turkish) 8mm Mauser. 18" barrel and modified bolt handle.

I was definitely being watched over from above, because I did some very stupid things. I was 14 years old and snuck it out of my fathers gun cabinet so my friend and I could try it.

I knew nothing about firearms at the time. I found some rifle bullets that "looked" correct. To be honest I had no idea what rounds it took. The barrel didn't identify its caliber. Another friend guessed at the caliber, and that's what we tried.

Life lessons:
1.) Recoil hurts. Bad. Especially when you don't hold the rifle properly. :eek:

2.) When test firing, put in only one bullet. Don't max out the magazine. Explanation in part 3...

3.) Golden Rule #2 and #3. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy and Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. My friend had no interest in shooting that rifle after he saw what happened with me. We decided to leave and since I couldn't figure out how to drop the magazine floor plate, I worked the bolt to empty the magazine while propping it on my stomach. The rifle went off on the last round and missed my friends head by about one foot. :what: I didn't notice this at first, because the rifle's recoil made me puke. (BTW, yes we are still good friends. We just don't joke about this incident. Ever)

4.) I learned soon afterward (but sadly not soon enough) that there is a type of ammunition called "corrosive". Enter :cuss: father.

It took a little while before I was willing to venture back to the firearms world. This is why I'm willing to teach anyone how to PROPERLY shoot. I almost killed my best friend. I decided I needed to help make sure no one else goes through that.
In boy scout camp it was some sort of a .22 lr bolt action. It was quite fun but didn't pique my curiosity on firearms as much as it should have.
YMCA summer camp. .22 rifle. I can't remember if it was bolt or semi-auto.

I wonder if they still have rifle shooting at summer camp. Hmmm.

--the M-16 during ChAir Force basic training, eighteen years old, 1973.

I'll never forget how the Red Hats wanted "all the NRA members and/or high-power shooters to stand and move to a table at the rear of the room."

What was the NRA? What subspecies of human was a "high-power shooter"?

I found out when I purchased my first POF at my first duty station.
Probably 2 or 3 with Gramp's old blue and white Daisy air rifle.
(There's a picture of me holding the gun, and it's almost bigger than I am!)
First actual firearm would be a Stevens .410 dbl. I was probably 5 or so.
Don't know what happened to that old Daisy, but I still have the .410:)
Bolt-action 22LR

About age four, my dad helped me shoot a bolt-action 22LR. His grandfather had made the stock by hand and I plinked at a paper target.

We've since learned that kids would MUCH rather shoot at silhouette targets or even pop cans (more fun).
My Dad's old Western Fields single-shot .22 bolt action rifle. I was 11. It was his first gun, and mine, and if I ever procreate, it'll be passed on to my progeny.
Remington Nylon 66 .22 cal., my dad rented it at the gun range " Garland Public Shooting Range" for those in north central Texas. I was 8 or 9 years old.
I shot some bb and pellet guns when I was 8.

When I was about 13 or 14, I shot a signle shot .22LR bolt action. I have no idea what kind it was. When I was 15 I shot a Springfield M1A. That was fun.
I was 8 and it was my neighbors side by side 410. I was getting to go hunting that season so my dad borrowed our neighbors 410. I had a bbgun for several years before that though.
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