The Government is Supposed to Keep Us Safe Right??

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Glock Glockler...

Last time I went to vote I was not asked for my ID, so is it possible that voter fraud is taking place? In 2000 the local DemocratScheisse actually has his minions go to a nearby college and got out of state student to vote straight Democrat, the icing on the cake was that they 'assisted' mentally retarded people in voting by going into the voting booths with them.

You're right! There are problems in some areas. There were also some reports of Dems 'assisting' older people in the voting booths. :eek:

And in Dick Gephart's district in St. Louis, Missouri, it appears that the Dems have been pretty good at turning out "the dead vote" (plenty of cemetaries there). They were even successful in getting a Judge to order the polls held open another 2 hours a few years ago when CCW was on the ballot. St. Louis is also reported to be pretty good at being the last to turn in their election results. It's said this may allow them to determine how many more votes must be cast after they can get the election results from other areas. :rolleyes:

And, of course, in 2000 this problem was epitomized in Florida by the Gore People who wanted to keep counting selected ballots until enough chads fell out of the right holes to get the "right" count. :scrutiny:

Still, we have the best system in the world, though it ain't perfect and it needs work. :(

Have you considered getting more involved in politics? Perhaps you could become an "election Judge" and help clean things up at your polling place. :cool:
I definately am a minor league political activist at present, and would like nothing more than awaken minds as well as teach people to become better and more effective activists. As far as next election goes, I'm going to speak to the NH LP to raise some fuss about institutiing a way we can monitor the process and prevent fraud. So yeah, I'd be game if they wanted me to hang out and look intimidating so no one pulled any shananigans.
To me, the federal government proved its ineptness beyond a doubt on 9/11/01. They cannot come through on their number 1 responsibility - defending our lives and soil - but golly they'll pay for Uncle Ralph's arthritis medicine! :rolleyes:

9/11 is a big reason I'm such a fire-breathing gun-rights guy now. I figure if the government and the cops won't protect my family and me, then by God, I will.
partisan ranger. i don't know what more the government could have really done, that would have made vast difference. there is no way that we are ever going to be untouchable. but i believe that the city of new york did an awesome job in the resuce efforts and so did the DC area. the attack can't be blamed on anyone one but the cowardly bastards that did it.

You do know that the Clinton Administration, through Warren Christopher, pushed the Isrealis to release terrorists as a means of furthering the peace process? You do know that Mohammed Atta was one of them, yes?

The ideal thing the govt can do is to not give offense to countries and peoples by being global bullies. If that doesn't work, the logical thing to do is silently kill people like Atta and the Wahbbis (sp) who preach hate and violence against us.

Western Civilization is in a fight to the death with Radical Islamic Civilization. You cannot effectively eliminate them as a people, but you can change the people by undermining their society with our values, the same way the Soviets undermined our society.
Standing Wolf

"Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We WANT them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted -- and you create a nation of law-breakers -- and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."

-- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
"Doh! Oh well, the govt is still incompetant and corrupt, but the problem remains
of the clash of civilizations. Anyone know how to win?"

Corrupt their children. Before they corrupt ours.
I'll concede the point that the terrorist savages are responsible for 9/11, not the government. Still, I would like to see our government concentrate a lot more on its core responsibilities and less on the 'general welfare' clause.
Simple reason for our present state

They don't walk the walk, I know people who smoke/drugs/drink and yell at their kids when they do.
Mad because Jeffy shoplifts? WHat has he learned from you taking stuff from work, stealing music on the internet etc.
Schools should teach reading, math science etc. NOT ethics, morality and religion, that's the parents job. From what I see parents are too tired after work to do their job and blame the schools and media.
The only good kids I know have parents very involved in their lives and communicate with them.
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