The GT Orphanage (WAS: ARGH! GT Server Switcharoo)

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Ya know, the "quote" function would be quite nice over here. I have gotten quite use to that thing from a few other forums. But, hey, I won't complain too much, this place is a refuge for now.

Hey, while I'm here -- what is a good website for free webhosting? Or, does someone want to share their server space with me?

<marquee>How 'bout a sticky?</marquee>
Thanks for taking us displaced little GT'ers. We'll try to contribute while we're here. :)

"...good inter-board relations..."?

Can you say that? It almost sounds obscene.

As I said somewhere else, it's a conspiracy! VPC and the Brady's bought a black helicopter and are systematically taking down the gun forums. Eric is, at this minute, locked in a closet with Sarah, two cartons of Camels and a BIC lighter. I don't know if he can make it through the night.

We all must be strong for Eric. Solidarity!

P.S.- Thank you THR for this thread.
nope, still down...:( hi everbody, lets have a party at my house, i got the beer and pizza..and capt. crunch...(for kently) :D :D
alpha, your bad..:) when gt comes back on i'm going to get alex knight to fluff up your threads...:D :D :D :D
or i will start another thread...:eek: :eek:
What's GlockTalk?

j/k, haven't visited there in a while... too much noise. Nice place, good folks, just a little too crowded.
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