The hidden danger to gun owners behind Obama's executive orders

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Feb 15, 2003
Here's my latest Detroit Gun Right Examiner column on today's gun control press conference where he decided to do it "for the children."

The hidden danger to gun owners behind Obama's executive orders

"Although the big news from President Obama’s press conference today is his call for more gun control legislation, the real immediate threat to American’s 2nd Amendment rights may lay in the executive orders he signed immediately afterwards.

In his carefully staged press conference the president surrounded himself with children he said wrote him letters about gun violence while he outlined his “wish list” for gun control legislation."
This list of 23 executive orders provided by the White House shows what the president believes he can do for gun control outside of the legislative process. While many of these seem benign, or even helpful, on the surface, a closer look reveals hidden dangers that may strip many law-abiding gun owners of their right to keep and bear arms.

Those are not "executive orders".
Surrounding himself with children keeps the angry and heated discussion at bay and makes is followers think he cares about their children. I suspect this sort of political theater has only just begun.
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