the liberal worldview: no such thing as god-given or self-evident rights

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30 cal slob

Mar 2, 2004
Location, Location!
THR liberals: don't be put off by the title of this thread. not meant to bash liberals.

so my political philosophy is a little rusty. you know what they say ... you forget 90% of what you learn in college, but if you've managed to learn how to learn, you've gotten an education.

ran across this interesting quote on the interblab, which has obvious ramifications for the 2A / RKBA.

the folks who helped found this nation had a different worldview, methinks.

please feel free to critique this argument:

Liberals believe that rights are social constructs, defended by force and open to change and improvement. Rights cannot be natural, like laws of nature, because nature enforces its laws absolutely, whereas rights are frequently broken. Rights cannot be inalienable, because governments frequently revoke rights. They cannot be God-given, because God originally blessed the rights of monarchy, genocide, polygamy, parental killing of disrespectful children, and other rights no one seriously defends today. Rights cannot be self-evident, because philosophers have been vigorously arguing over them for thousands of years.

They don't want to believe any rights are inalienable or God given because they want to control what rights you have, and thus, you. That is what Goverment control is all about and what our founding fathers were against, thus the 2nd amendment.
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