the NRA is our friend?

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The NRA is kind of like the Republican party.

They don't always get it right but are generally the only real choice at this point.

Damn that's depressing.
Dont tear it up, just join GOA as well... Unfortunatly the NRA is the 300 lb Gorilla, so were kinda stuck with em for a while. Theyre not like the Republican party though, because you can support more than one here, not just the lesser of two evils. Support them all, just give more support to the ones that represent us better.;)
Do both, if you can afford it, and work to reform the NRA.

After all, if they're all that great, some extreme action should be possible.

But a few letters to the congresscritters are in order, too, even if you've done so already!
In the 1960s they said you could tell which of the panthers were FBI infiltrators because their dues were paid early. Sometimes I wonder if some of the people on our side... aren't. I have no idea if that applies here but it's a thought to keep in the back of your mind on large national forums like this.

More importantly, the way to look at this "NRA doesnt do what I want" stuff is like a box of tools. I have a toolbox with a rusty pipe wrench in it. It's a big one and a proto (expensive brand) it looks ugly and I have to keep it coated in light oil but it -works-. And nothing else will work for the kind of job that tool does. NO Large organization will EVER do -everything- that you personally want it to do all of the time. Do you throw it out? Okay, then the next time you need to do something that only a large organization can do (and this happens ALL of the time in politics) you don't even get to entertain the idea of success.

So, if 35 bucks (25 at any gun show) and 12 issues of the magazine aren't worth putting up with hearing about the NRA activities that you disagree with, then throwing out your card is your decision. Personally, I "collect the whole set". When I hear of an organization doing pro gun work I join it and when I hear about one of them doing something I don't like I balance that against the good work that they do. It's called perspective.

Boyd Kneeland NRA, JPFO, GOA, CCRKBA and Second Amendment foundation Director of Communications.

(PS "perspective" is lecture 231 in my RKBA repetoire, if the thread keeps going I'll subject you all to my lecture: 232 "Cereal aisle".)
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