The PRK at it again - SF trying to ban handguns

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Jan 16, 2005
Sacramento, PRK
The :cuss: bleeding hearts are at it again in the People's Republik of California See article here

I am sure all the gang bangers will line up to turn in their handguns if this passes. Maybe we could even send Barbara Boxer out into the streets to collect them...
most the bangers are in the surrounding area, more on the east bay. richmond in particular dont ask me how i know :banghead:
I am going to be printing up some of Oleg's posters to distibute and post around.
Escpecially at the clubs i go to which are full of weirdo Cali types who vote.

so far the response has been pretty good.

you start reminding people who are in a scene full of israelis and gays how the Nazis loved gun control, and these people rethink.

i am hoping i can change 100 votes at least.
most the bangers are in the surrounding area, more on the east bay. richmond in particular dont ask me how i know

this is only half true.

yes, the "iron triangle" is in richmond, but Oakland has more murders.

there is a fair amount of armed spillover into berkeley as well.

in oakland , people are not happy about the violence = the majority of which in both richmond and oakland is NOT gang related.
it goes like this.
guy becomes rich , either thru drugs or even legitimate biz.

losers in hood get jealous, just gun him down .
happened about 50 times last year. Some of the stuff is gang related, but most is just plain jealousy

in SF however, it is a little different.

the lower part of SF, Bayview / Hunterspoint , they have serious gang wars going on there, and there is a LARGE number of people carrying, illegally.

see in SF , bayview is so seperated from the rest of the city, it is crazy, hunterspoint is worse. 2 ways in , 2 ways out. and a LOT of little streets and corners once inside the hood.

So the vast majority of SF never has to deal with these crazy hoods, but the cops are so afraid of getting shot (again) they just want to disarm everyone.
Not to mention most of the mile between downtown and the Haight is not safe for whitey after dark, there is a lot of activitiy in SF.

to me, it only seems like all the more reason to give more good citizens carry permits, and start throwing away the key on violent offenders.

these crazy fools are already felons with weapons, how is a ban going to help anyone??????????
What I can't understand, no matter how hard I try to "think like them", why they would try something that has already shown doesn't work. NY, Chicago, D.C., NJ and many other states/cities have the gun bans and they still have a high crime rate, and homicide rate. Is being killed with a knife, a bat, a tire iron, etc.. so much better then a gun?

I mean, you don't usually see an episode of COPS in areas that have gun ownership laws when it comes to their "greatest shootouts in history" or pieces like that. They always go to the big cities that have the most gun control.

And what is even worse is when they point at these cities to show that it's a good idea and then the FBI stats come out with those same cities as the highest crime rates in the US :banghead: . Or even worse when they point to other countries that are having crime waves (even if no guns are used) as being "safe" and a place they would love to be like.


And, to add, to my fellow GLBT folks, if you won't lift a finger to protect yourselves and you want me to do it for you, well, you can count on me being a good witness because I will not protect you while you're trying to take my means of protection from me. Sorry, but that is life.
City Supervisor Chris Daly is a complete 100% professional nut job. Every single letter to the editor that I have seen in either the SF Chronicle or the SF Examiner has been vehemently against the ban. (These are from SF residents remember.) And not a single letter in support of it. I know this may not mean much in the grand scheme of things, but I find it very interesting.

The proposed law itself is nothing but a ‘feel good’ gesture by the Board ‘o Supes to make it look like they’re doing something about the ongoing gang war between BigBlock and the WestSideMob here in the Hunters Point and Bayview districts.

And, of course, we know that the bangers will dutifully hand over their firearms if this thing does pass… right?
And then of course there’s the question of legality of the law itself. I’ve asked Jim March about this (and I respect his opinion on firearms regulations as regards Cali and so should you) and he believes it’s going nowhere. This was tried by DiFi back in 82 and it didn’t fly back then either.

I’m not overly concerned by it, though it will be interesting to watch it play out; the Supe’s that proposed and supported this may have really screwed the pooch on this one- after the fanfare announcement of the proposed law and then the lack of support for it as displayed by the general populace, they may feel they have to stay the course or lose any street cred they have with the super lefties here in the City. And crash and burn.

Hey I think we need a thread merge here mods...
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