The THR Walker Club

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Member list

1 Scrat (Scott)
2 Gentleman of the Charcoal
3 Dixie Texian
4 Yankee John
5 Mykeal
6 [email protected]
7 Mukluk
8 BigBadGun
9 Mec
12Shanghai McCoy
15 StrawHat
16 Mustanger1
17 Phantom Captain
18 Pulp
19 Snaggletooth
20 RugerBob
21 J.T.Gerrity
23 Peter M Eick
24 JCT
25 Old Wornout Soldier
26 Brett Dixon
27. Razorback 1010
28. Rebel Dave
29. sundance44s
30. Oddman
31. Xterminator
32. TexasRifleman
33. Gopguy
34. Elbert P Suggins
35. Brett Dixon
36. Old Hunter
I was going to shoot my walker for the first time this weekend but I told the grandkids I would take them to the mule day parade. Mule day is a big deal down here in Tennessee.
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Same time i bet if you take them kids with you and let them shoot some light loads you will be a hero for life.
I was going to shoot my walker for the first time this weekend but I told the grandkids I would take them to the mule day parade. Mule day is a big deal down here in tennesee.

Do both. I'm sure the mules wouldn't mind - in fact, they'd probably get a kick out of it.
I have had a Colt Heritage Walker for about twelve years. Sorry but my Digital camera is on it way to a repair shop since a dog knocked it off the shelf. So, you will have to wait for the photo. It looks like most of the others. I did have a plan to wall mount it with my Great Great Grandad's Model 1840 Wrist Breaker around a print portrait of Old Rough 'n Ready but the sword was stolen in 2005. Too bad.
Glad to have you. I don't know where the hell Scrat is this morning. Getting so you can't depend on anybody nowadays. I guess there is the bare possibility that he could be asleep or working. (heh heh)
Anyway, welcome aboard and the rest of us will jump Scrat's ass and make him get your name on the list!
Just post a photograph whenever you get to it or decide you want to sir. Your word is good on here.

Member list

1 Scrat (Scott)
2 Gentleman of the Charcoal
3 Dixie Texian
4 Yankee John
5 Mykeal
6 [email protected]
7 Mukluk
8 BigBadGun
9 Mec
12Shanghai McCoy
15 StrawHat
16 Mustanger1
17 Phantom Captain
18 Pulp
19 Snaggletooth
20 RugerBob
21 J.T.Gerrity
23 Peter M Eick
24 JCT
25 Old Wornout Soldier
26 Brett Dixon
27. Razorback 1010
28. Rebel Dave
29. sundance44s
30. Oddman
31. Xterminator
32. TexasRifleman
33. Gopguy
34. Elbert P Suggins
35. Brett Dixon
36. Old Hunter
37. Blacksmoke
I'm not sure how accurate my Walker is but It does things like this with some regularity:

The shots outside the main groups are not the fault of the gun.
oh ya i would say thats accurate. on my shooting i have always done it standing free hand too. i imagine if we used a bench pad or some kind of rest it would be very very accurate as well.
I've always said that open-framed revolvers were as precise as close-framed ones, but most BP shooters (at least here in France) think otherwise, and they only believe in the virtues of Roger&Spencer revolvers, if possible made by Pedersoli or Feinwerkbau. I mostly wanted to prove them they were wrong, although I must admit that the sheer weight and poor balance of the Walker make that difficult. I don't think I'm going to do championships this year with the Walker, as my results are still too irregular for serious shooting (I like medals :rolleyes: ), but next year, I will shake the shooting range. At least the blast will knock out my immediate neighbors so they'll shoot bad if at all :evil:
shooting a walker in competition. you would have to build up your strength in your arm. The walker is a good and amazing accurate shooter. Most people lack the strength to hold it in an aimed position for great periods of time. Building up your strength by lifting weights or just practicing more. either at the range or at home on just holding it up and aiming will improve your shooting capabilities
During my youth, on a day the gods smiled, I was shooting an original Colt 1851 Navy made during 1863. My 25-yard group consisted of either 4 or 5 shots in one ragged hole about an inch & one-fourth across, with the last ball was about an inch out from the main cluster. This was done one-handed with a typical target shooter’s stance.

I challenged a friend shooting a then new S&W K-38 Target Masterpiece to duplicate or surpass what I’d just done, but he declined, saying that if he did I’d simply say that he had the more modern revolver, and if he didn’t I’d never let him live it down.

Unfortunately I never duplicated that group again. But for a short time I owned a brass-framed replica Navy that would do the same at 50 feet (not 25 yards).

Colt obviously made revolvers during the middle 1800’s that could do the above. I see no reason we can’t now.
shooting a walker in competition. you would have to build up your strength in your arm. The walker is a good and amazing accurate shooter. Most people lack the strength to hold it in an aimed position for great periods of time. Building up your strength by lifting weights or just practicing more. either at the range or at home on just holding it up and aiming will improve your shooting capabilities

The problem is not so much the weight as the balance. I'm not a bad single-handed shooter with the FAMAS (our .223 assault rifle), that toy can be impressively accurate shooting double taps like that, up to 50 meters. And it weighs around 9 lbs ! But it's pretty well-balanced, the pistol grip being right on the center of mass. On the other hand, all the weight of the Walker is in the front, and keeping the sights aligned for more than two seconds is near to impossible. But with a nicely tuned trigger, I'm more and more able to make tight groups.
You are so right on the weight balance. For its day its a heck of a gun. but the weight is all forward. i can shoot some mean groups with two hands. Single handed takes some strength and practice due to that forward weight.
Weight and balance were not important issues when designing that iron : It was to be carried by the horse, not the rider, and shot from the back of the same animal towards foot soldiers, so with the barrel most of the time downwards.
In the XXIst century, though, we must shoot one-handed and level for matches. With most late C&B, it's OK, they were designed with balance in mind, with earlier models...well, it's a bit of a challenge, but not an impossible one.
Gentlemen, I would love to join your club since I recently came across a heck of a deal on a new Walker. I am soaking it in sweetshooter now and when I get it out I will put up a pic. This is the first Walker I have ever owned and I think it will be amongst the top of the list for favorites. A man of slight stature might be shooting at his feet with one these hunks of steel. I didn't realize how much gun was there until I got this one. It's gonna be fun when I shoot it.
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