Things are ripe for a military coup

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Hope they are not supporting Hillary!!

Most military believe they are doing right in Iraq. They seem to support GWB more than the folks at home IMHO.

I'm sorry but reading all the GWB bashing I look back to the Clinton bashing and it seems IMHO the same folks are both. What can please them?

Flame on just telling what I see.
There is a bigger danger of the zombie attack that is so popular in the now banned SHTF threads then there is of a military coup in the US.

We are a very large (300+ million), complex society. The thought that a general or a group of generals could march on Washington and take over the country is ridiculous. If you brought all of the military members home from overseas, and you somhow coopted the 700 thousnad police officers in this country you'd come up with enough bodies to enslave a small state.

Where would the rations, ammunition and fuel for such an operation come from?

Agreed, I think it is likely that the politicos will simply use a willing army to surpress us (the citizens).

Think NOLA gun confications. House to house military style searches (practiced in Iraq). Et cetera.
Well, it's almost time. Pretty soon the people will know why this has been going on. Who these people doing these things have been working for.

It's been obvious, and right in front of us the whole time, and yet, we couldn't see it. The attacks on 9/11, the countries we've invaded, and the Govt. going out of their way to protect the illegals crossing into our country, and giving them priviledges over ours.

A lot of speculation about who was responsible for the attacks on 9/11, ignoring the administrations canned response almost immediately after the attacks. New speculation arising from reports coming out of the gulf region about PMCs being the ones who set the charges on the oil wells in Kuwait, and not the Iraqis. Our rights being stripped away. The military being downsized, troops being sent repetetively into harm's way, and private corporations being given a free hand in the combat zone, as well as being the ones who supply our military, and the only one's making a profit, and the only ones that both the President and the VP had ties to, and the ties that that corporation had with the security at the WTC, and wait a minute, aren't they the oil company too? And aren't they making money off of that as well?

Guess I am rambling, but hopefully, you get the point. One company, which for brevity shall remain nameless, but easy enough to figure out who's behind the whole thing. Over to you , Chet....
Why all the complaining? Surely you understand that if this helps save one life its all worth it!. More and more of our citizens seem to want the Federal government to take over their local schools, and the funding for them, as well as health care, so why not have the Feds in every aspect of local services, such as police and fire departments? And of course, it will help the children.
We are a very large (300+ million), complex society. The thought that a general or a group of generals could march on Washington and take over the country is ridiculous. If you brought all of the military members home from overseas, and you somhow coopted the 700 thousnad police officers in this country you'd come up with enough bodies to enslave a small state.

Jeff, you are correct that this is a complex society and it won't be a group of
generals who march on DC --that is soooo 19th century or small banana
republic. It will be a group of suits with a lot of money behind them who are
quietly invited into the halls of power and assume the direction of our
mechanisms of government. That is the nature of a faceless beaurocracy.
Likewise, none of our troops would have to be brought home to accomplish
this --just the opposite. You can have a "coup" or usurping of power at home
while you have a foreign campaign going on. In fact, history has plenty of
examples of this kind of tactic. All you need is a so-called representative body
that no longer holds any real power over the use of state force and a single
person or very small group that assumes control of that execution of state

All that is required for such a coup to take place and be successful is for the
majority of the people to do nothing. This includes both the domestic security
apparatus and the civilian population as a whole. The deciding factor for all
of them will be the question: Will I still get paid tomorrow? In a successful
coup, the answer is "yes" as life will go on as normal in the short term for
most people in that country. Likewise, the country's neighbors and trading
partners will not get involved if they see that it will not affect them in any
way (which is often the case). In fact, outside parties will get involved on
the side of the coup plotters if there is future gain in it for them. Again,
history often shows this as more the norm than not.

No zombies involved, Jeff, just a study of living human history. ;)
Amazing - the anti-federalists warned of exactly these events 220 years ago. They didn't put a time line on it, but the evolution period seems about could move along expotentially now though, as 1/2 the country gladly moves towards socialism, absolute dependency on the govt,
enjoying less liberty and allowing more intrusive control just so they can lazily be 'better off'.

There doesn't have to be a coup for the people to lose power - its already happened. While voting is the peaceful revolt we are granted every 2 years, just how many times are we only left with "the lesser of 2 evils"? When it is estimated that the next pres will need to spend $500 MILLION to get elected, just who do you think they will be responsive to?
it could move along expotentially now though, as 1/2 the country gladly moves towards socialism, absolute dependency on the govt,
enjoying less liberty and allowing more intrusive control just so they can lazily be 'better off'.

B and I --TBL.

And after breeding a certain level of dependency all one must do is cut a few
holes in the safety net for the people to cry for a line to be cast to them. It
is only upon grasping it that they find it is not a life preserver, but a hook that
has gone through their hand.
Ya'll should read Empire, by Orson Scott Card. Describes a perfectly plausible way a military coup could take over the government. It's Fiction, but it's excellent.
Ya'll should read Empire, by Orson Scott Card. Describes a perfectly plausible way a military coup could take over the government. It's Fiction, but it's excellent.
Let me add to your suggestion, "It Can Happen Here - Authoritarian Peril in the Time of Bush," by Joe Conason. This one is not fiction, and it too is excellent. Available on and elsewhere. Conason explains why, for the first time since the resignation of Richard M. Nixon, Americans have reason to doubt the future of their democracy.

Use the troops to suppress the public? Seriously?

'Scuse me. Folks stay home. They don't spend money. The big dogs at Sears, WalMart, Gap, Exxon, Home Depot and on-and-on-and-on don't get any income. No sales taxes for the Governator.

Kids stay home from school, turning mothers into screaming termagents--which means any National Guard married guys face the choice of go home or get divorced. Single mothers tell boyfriends to stop that BS or do without.

The only NG you'd have left would be a few lonely misanthropes and misogynists. They'd change clothes and go hang out at Joe's Tavern, complaining.

Phones start melting in Very Important Ears...

Nope. Some scenarios of doom are not at all convincing.


And after breeding a certain level of dependency all one must do is cut a few holes in the safety net for the people to cry for a line to be cast to them. It is only upon grasping it that they find it is not a life preserver, but a hook that has gone through their hand.

Excellent! Indeed - they even through us a bone to gnaw on every now and then...hey, they do have to get re-elected after all! Or our military kicks some serious butt so 1/2 of us can cheer (and rightly so), and the other 1/2 can shout how wrong it is, yet most can be thrilled that someone else is being inconvienenced. And in the long run what have WE gained? More power or less? More privacy or less? More liberties or less?

Through it all we have a vast number of people in this country, in one breath condemn Bush et. al., yet think only the govt should be allowed to have guns. :confused: In one breath they curse FEMA, complain about the Patriot Act, the war, the lack of stem-cell research, the loss of rights, etc. etc. etc., and in the next breath want MORE govt - govt health care, govt retirement accounts, govt funded college for their kids, govt abortion money, etc. etc. etc. Such thinking is beyond me. :banghead: You don't want govt intrusion? STOP relying on them to handle YOUR responsibilities!
One more law to take effect in 2008, then they will be ready to "ACT" the "LAST RULE OF ENGAGEMENT", "FINAL CONTROL", through, "MARTIAL LAW".
Then there goes our CCW permits, "TOTALLY INVALID" because they're not issued by, ................

and PLEASE, btw before any one of you start your patriotic rant like I've heard/read so many times sounding like the Ufc referee starting the fight, saying
"LETS GET IT ON", Ooooh, bet your sweet but they will fight those of us that will fight back. But, what are you gonna do when most or all of us are out of ammo, and they're not ? One of the first military strategies is to cut the supply line/source. There will no ammo to buy, no materials to reload. The other supply line that will be cut off is motor fuel. They will be able to manuever, we won't.

and oh, btw Art Eatman there will be troops, but none of them ours, thats too risky, even though most of them are brainwashed.
I think it needs said, a coup is where the govt. is overthrown by the military. It's not when the military acts against civilians.

Word on the street is that a coup was considered over the Iraq war, but never happened.
I think it needs said, a coup is where the govt. is overthrown by the military. It's not when the military acts against civilians.
If we are going to drag out the dictionary I would think that we must take care to differentiate, if appropriate, between a "coup" and a "coup d'etat." These two are sometimes, but not always, the same.

Furthermore, and with respect, I would suggest that if a military's commander-in-chief, be he military or civilian, uses the military to overthrow what was a democratic government to establish in its stead an autocracy, then you will have seen a coup. Or is it coup d'etat?

Please ... WHAT MILITARY? Aside from our big bombs and stealth bombers we're close to becomming a second rate power. Think about it ... we're struggling to find the troops to get up to 150,000 troops in Iraq. The forces are already spread so thin they could only DREAM about declaring nationwide martial law.

Now, this is actually scary in some ways. If there were a MAJOR disaster and troops were need in an area, or nationwide, we don't have enough to go around. We're spread thin. Most of the combat components of the military are "somewhere's else" in the world.

In 1991 in Iraq we fielded over 500,000 troops. And had some left to spare. Now we can barely put 150,000 on the field. It's a sad state of affairs. Only our gadets and our professional soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen give us any advantage whatsoever. If troops were needed here in the US for any legitiment reason, all the Stealth Bombers in the world won't help one iota.
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