Think twice, and don't legislate?

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
The motto is "think twice, post once" here, and I'm guilty of not doing that..

But I'm curious if the politicians think even once, let alone twice..

I just read an article about "The War on Gun Violence".

OK; let me see:

War on Drugs. Result: High drug use, underground drug trafficing, innercity violence, innercity poverty. Check.

War on prostitution: Result: High prostitution rates, STD's at alarming rates, unregulated brothals with heavy drug use and abuse. Check.

War on Healthcare: Result: Skyrocketed healthcare prices, HMO's, nobody can afford health insurance. Check.

War on Education: Result: Ebonics. Lowest education system of all 1st and 2nd world nations, inability to comprehend 6th grade math, ever increase education costs. Check.

War on Poverty: Result: HUD. "The Projects", innercity violence and crime. 7-11's = Stop and Robs. Check.

War on Terror: Result: Reduced Freedoms, ATF = deputized satan-ites, Constitution out the window. Check.


We are now at "War on Gun Violence".

I'm just going to open it up to the creative floor of the THR, and let you all fill in the blanks here.. I'm seeing a pattern here, I'm just curious if I'm the only one..:cuss:

I assure you that they've thought about all this stuff more than twice. Congress knows what they're doing, it's people that need to think about these things more than once before voting.
<<I assure you that they've thought about all this stuff more than twice. Congress knows what they're doing, it's people that need to think about these things more than once before voting.

Agree. Congress knows EXACTLY what it is doing, whether right or wrong.

Consider the "Incumbent Politician Protection Act" (also known as Campaign Finance Reform.)

Anyone who read it fully would realize that it was in direct conflict with the 1st Amendment right of free speech, but Congress passed it anyway, knowing that the courts would invalidate it on the first legal challenge.
Thier true problems arrise from thier thinking they know what's right for everyone else! :barf:
What about the War on Alcohol or whatever it was called before Wars on [insert bad thing here] became the catchphrase?

You mean the BATF??? ;P

War on Alcohol ~ Increased teen drinking..
War on Tobacco ~ Increased teen smoking..
War on Firearms ~ Increase gun violence..

I still remember the little saying "If Con is the opposite of Pro, then Congress is the opposite of Progress???"

That said, my friend gave me the correct answer I was looking for..

"Thinking is done only by warm blooded animals, cold blooded animals (like snakes) only react, they never think."
Back off there buddy, snakes have honor. I can think of a few of my representatives that are lower than snake caca.
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