This Guy's Supposed To Be An Expert!

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Arc Angel

Feb 9, 2004
--------- Original Message -----

:barf: From: "ScamBusters Editors" <[email protected]>
To: "Arc Angel"
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: David, Internet ScamBusters #72

> Internet ScamBusters (tm)
> The #1 Publication on Internet Fraud
> By Audri and Jim Lanford
> C o p y r i g h t (c) 2004 Audri and Jim Lanford.
> All rights reserved.
> Issue #72 February 18, 2004
> Hi David,
> This month we're going to do something quite different than
> anything we've done before -- something we think you'll find
> very valuable.
> Today's topic is: What to do if a burglar breaks into your
> home.
> We've done an exclusive interview with an expert on the topic,
> Chris McGoey. It includes a lot of very surprising information.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> What to Do if a Burglar Breaks into Your Home
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> One of the most frightening things that can happen is
> discovering that an intruder has broken into your home --
> especially when it's the middle of the night, and you know they
> are still there.
> About 16% of American households are burglarized each year.
> Stated differently, a burglary occurs every 13 seconds in the
> United States.
> And unfortunately, thousands of these crimes are committed each
> year while someone is at home. It certainly makes sense to know
> what you should do if this ever happens to you!
> To help you understand your best options in this extremely
> scary situation, we interviewed Chris E. McGoey.
> Chris is an internationally known Los Angeles-based security
> consultant and producer of the Crime Doctor website. He is
> considered to be an expert on residential security matters.
> ==>
> Audri: Welcome, Chris! I really appreciate your taking the time
> to talk with me and help our ScamBusters subscribers.
> Let me begin by asking: what is the best thing you can do to
> avoid the break-in turning into a tragedy?
> Chris: The best thing you can do is to make a plan -- before it
> ever happens. It's very important to think about this now --
> when you are calm and there is no danger.
> That's why it's so useful to alert your subscribers ahead of
> time with interviews like this -- so they can have a plan they
> hopefully will never need.
> There is no single best strategy for dealing with this
> situation.
> Audri: What is the first thing you should do in this situation?
> Chris: Be very quiet so you can listen. Try to figure out how
> many intruders there are. Are they coming toward you? Are they
> ransacking your house?
> If you can, stay in the room you're in and lock and barricade
> the door. Immediately call the police to get help on the way.
> Shout to the intruder that the police have been called and are
> en route.
> Audri: What's best: should you stay in the house, confront the
> intruder, or leave?
> Chris: Stay in your home unless the intruder tries to get into
> your room. Never confront the intruder unless in self-defense.
> Another option is that if you can safely escape, do it. For
> example, if you can safely climb out a window and get help,
> that's great. However, if you sleep upstairs and can't leave
> easily, then you'll need to take a different approach.
> Audri: Can you share some tips regarding what to do?
> Chris: First, be prepared. Second, don't argue with your spouse
> about what to do -- this just alerts the intruders about where
> you are before you've taken any action. That's another reason
> to plan ahead.
> Third, it's not a good idea to leave your bedroom carrying a
> weapon like a baseball bat or a flashlight. If you surprise the
> intruder, they are more likely to act violently.
> Fourth, it's always good to have a safe room. It can be an
> interior closet with a sturdy door and a deadbolt lock on the
> inside. Call the police. Make sure you have a cell phone
> accessible from your safe room -- and make sure it's charged.
> You should be safe until the police arrive.
> Audri: Any advice for calling the police?
> Chris: Yes, call the police ASAP. You may have to use a cell
> phone if the intruders have disabled the phone or have taken
> the telephone extension off the hook.
> Another tip is to be very concise and specific with the police
> dispatcher.
> Say that someone has broken into your home, and that you don't
> know whether or not they have a weapon. Give your address and
> any instructions to get there if necessary.
> Tell the dispatcher where you are (for example, upstairs in the
> west bedroom), and where the intruder is (downstairs in the
> living room).
> Audri: What happens if you encounter the intruder?
> Chris: Don't stay there or fight or argue... run away or
> barricade yourself in a room and call 911.
> If that doesn't work, try to remain calm and speak in a normal
> voice.
> Tip: Avoid direct eye contact if possible. This can be
> interpreted as aggressive behavior.
> Audri: Should you try to protect yourself with a gun or a
> knife?
> Chris: No. Only confront the intruder with a weapon as a last
> resort to save your life or a family member. Your property is
> not worth risking your life.
> Carrying a weapon of any kind increases the chances that you
> or your family members will be hurt.
> Audri: Is there anything you can do now to protect yourself
> if this situation does occur that would be helpful?
> Chris: Most burglars will run away if they have wakened you --
> unless they have been surprised or confronted.
> Audri: What is the single most important advice you can give
> our subscribers?
> Chris: Have a family planning meeting to decide what everyone
> will do during an emergency or violent intrusion. Someone
> should always try to escape and get help.
> Also, if you have a burglar alarm system, hit the 'panic'
> button. Learn what to do NOW -- that's much safer than when
> you're truly panicked.
> Audri: Chris, I'd like to thank you very much. This has been
> very useful. And I recommend that our subscribers visit your
> website for lots of other articles on home, family, and
> business security:
> That's it for this month. Wishing you a scam-free month!
> ScamBusters is a public service from Jim and Audri Lanford.
> Lanford Inc.
> 197 New Market Center, #115
> Boone, NC 28607


Good Morning! (I think?)

Usually, you guys are pretty good; however, I take genuine exception to the message you've, just, sent - What crummy advise about protecting: your home, yourself, and your family! Anyone stupid enough to listen to this ridiculous - supposedly, 'expert' - advise will be programming himself to endure - what may, well, turn out to be - the most harrowing experience of his life! In 1990 my family and I experienced a home invasion on an, otherwise, quiet Sunday morning. It happened very suddenly and completely without warning. To this day I honestly believe that I would have been killed if it hadn't been for one of my bulldogs.

Since that, 'quiet' Sunday morning I have never truly relaxed in my home. The fact is that with the quick and facile use of modern transportation, a home invasion may occur at anytime and in, almost, any place. Attempting to hide under the bed, barricading yourself inside the home, divesting yourself of a weapon, (Because you don't want to escalate the situation, nor upset the bad guy? F, N, unbelievable!) blowing a whistle, calling the police and waiting, or sometimes, even, staying in the home are ALL VERY BAD IDEAS! I've looked - straight - into the eyes of a desperate maniac coming across my living room for me. I never want to be a, 'deer in the headlights' again as long as I live!

Any home security advice that precludes: a 357 magnum, a guard dog, and a cell phone is DEFINITELY not for me! Show some, 'backbone'. Take responsibility for your own safety; and teach yourself to be comfortable with the knowledge that if someone is going to enter your home to visit violence upon your person, then, it is going to become a contest between you and your bulldog to see who sends the son-of-a-bitch flying backwards through the patio door - first!

Please do not send anymore of this kind of very bad, even stupid, advise to me. I'm not a, 'Sheeple'. I'm not a Democrat; and I'm not a member of AGS (Americans For, 'Gun Safety') - damned fools!

In my considered opinion, people like this who, either, give or accept this sort of specious wisdom deserve whatever evil comes their way in life. I dare you to show me one animal in Nature without teeth or claws whose species has endured. Oh, yeah, the amoeba - Of course, the amoeba! Is THIS what you really want to be?


- David
(aka, 'Arc Angel') ;)
I almost agree with some of what Chris says, if one dos not have an alpha male agressive personality.

I would never not arm myself.
I would never avoid eye contact.
I would never bend over and grab my ankles.
I also believe that my household is worth defending and will not allow it to be looted.

My kid's bedroom is on the opposite side of the house from the master bedroom, if someone is in my house, there will be a confrontation, I have no choice.
Luckily I can shoot first and ask questions later.

God I love the lone star sate!
good advice for sheeple

sheeple watch the scary movies where bad guys come back to life to kill you before they die. sheeple never prepare themselves for breakins and would be sitting ducks for an armed encounter with an intruder. We here THR are not sheeple and have probably at least given some consideration as to
how to win a gunfight in the home.
If you can, stay in the room you're in and lock and barricade
actually it's sound advice,I would find it easier to shoot the guy as he came thru the door,why engage in a shoot out if you can get a surprise headshot at point blank range? (especially with a .357 fed hydra shok)

I would have to leave the room and engage as the women folk of the house are not as gung ho as I am.

I would never yell at the guy and give him my position,I'd rather his spirit see's me on his way to hell due to the .357 head wound

Most sheeple would rather die then fight back,or have some underpaid Police Officer die for them
You yell at them after you've called 911 - the police listen to you warn the perps that you will shoot them if they come in where you are. You've just established about the best defense you can have, and that's a good thing. :)
You come in my house uninvited and looking to do harm, you leave sporting a few more holes.

It's that simple. I also don't fit under the bed.

But in today's society, well I'm not so sure this isn't the best advice for most of the people. Not many wolves left and the public schools are trying to make sure the next generation has none at all.
"It's that simple. I also don't fit under the bed." LOL

Imagine not defending yourself and your family in the hopes of not angering the intruder. This guy seems to think that the intruder is the one with right on his side. What an idiot.
But in today's society, well I'm not so sure this isn't the best advice for most of the people. Not many wolves left and the public schools are trying to make sure the next generation has none at all.

I disagree, the world is full of wolves. And Despite what public schools are
trying to do we are getting more of them.

Bill Meadows
I, for one am very suprised to see he didn't mention anything about crying... because, as everone knows, criminals don't want to hurt you, and your tears will bring out the compassionate side of the intruder bent on violence, thus leaving you spared to cower another day.:( :barf:
Safe room and a non-confrontational attitude is a good thing if you can round up the kids. Guns should be in the safe room. Cell phone also.

My kids are on the other end of the house, if I think someone is in my house hell and a team of clydesdales aren't going to keep me in my room hiding behind a locked door. Artillery will be present.

About the only thing I can agree with is going to the safe room...

... because that's where all of the guns are! :neener:
Not completely right nor completely wrong either.

Chris: No. Only confront the intruder with a weapon as a last resort to save your life or a family member. Your property is not worth risking your life.

Nothing particularly wrong with this statement. It's not advisable to go looking for a confrontation without a good reason.

Carrying a weapon of any kind increases the chances that you or your family members will be hurt.

A half truth. It's true with any weapon other than a gun. A gun actually decreases the chance of being hurt.
:D Don't call 911 - call that lady friend of Oleg's. Remember her - Cassandra? She can come on over and with that supernatural power she has make that nasty ole intruder into a peaceful and loving friend... :neener:
Carrying a weapon of any kind increases the chances that you or your family members will be hurt.
Because you're sooooo much safer if you're completely defenseless against Joe Bob Intruder, who sent the last two home owners who saw him to the bottom of a lake. Yeah, whimpering with no weapons and only passive defenses is just my plan! :rolleyes:
So if I hear a break-in in the middle of the night I should grab a gun and proceed down the stairs and commence with the house clearing? I don't think so. Not enough cover on the stairs - I'd be like one of those little ducks moving across the shooting gallery.

OTOH, by staying near the top of the stairs I'd have the angle on anyone attempting to come up.

"Only confront the intruder with a weapon as a last resort to save your life or a family member." That's pretty much what our state law requires.

Shout to the intruder that the police have been called and are en route.
Yep ... do everything you can as soon as possible to advertise your presence and exactly which room you are in! Helps the BG ''home in'' on you quicker.

Surprised this was not an excerpt from a UK chat program.

With experts like that - who needs enemies?!
As an "official" line, that spiel makes perfect sense. The police are not there to protect the citizenry. Public safety is not the purpose of police departments. Their function is to investigate crime AFTER it has happened.

If some bleating sheep who are unable/unwilling to defend themselves get killed in the meanwhile, it is not their problem.
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