this is why I carry a gun!

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Though I believe that everyone should carry, women especially need to consider it. I had to drag my wife, kicking and screaming to the range for her first gun shoot. Now she does not get more than arms length from her CCW. Ladies... you are on your own in the big world of weird-o's, perv's, and dirt bags. You might as well be prepared.
I agree with KBintheSLC. MissDebbie, congratulations for being a well-informed and well-prepared woman. While I don't think it's absolutely necessary for your boyfriend to understand why you carry, it may help if he can understand that he can't always be there to protect you just as the police can't. That said, I do understand the feeling of wanting him to understand. For istance, I will carry whether my father likes it or not, but I wish he had a better understanding of why.

The world is often a hostile and volatile place, and the best that we can do is to make sure that we are prepared for these situations when they arise.
Just out of pure curiosity, what do you carry and how do you carry it (i.e. belt holster, pocket holster, purse)? Assuming the question is not too intrusive.
It took a while, but my mother now carries regularly. The girlfriend has recently had a scare and now wants to set in on one of my Basic Pistol courses and go to the range... ;-)
That call tape brought me to tears, to hear her and be unable to help is a crappy feeling. I don't see how the 911 dispatchers cope with that sort of thing day in and day out..... I would be a friggen wreck at the end of every shift........ THANK GOD and a "friend" she survived..........
This is why have trained my wife and daughters

This is way a female should be ready to protect themselves more so than a man.

We have some sick men out in this world. Just think of this 'whatever' that raped this female Marine, then killed her in Jacksonville NC. I will not acknowledge he is a 'VET'. She is a Marine Corps vetern, thus a sister of mine. I feel as if the Marine Corps should step up the hand to hand training for the females up to and including a Martial Arts Program for them. We send these young girls to face alot of BS. Seldom do they actually have a weapon at the ready. Think about it. What if it were your daughter?
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I'd previously watched this video... Preacherman has it on his blog too. I noticed they cut the call before she shot the perp.

That call tape brought me to tears, to hear her and be unable to help is a crappy feeling. I don't see how the 911 dispatchers cope with that sort of thing day in and day out..... I would be a friggen wreck at the end of every shift........ THANK GOD and a "friend" she survived..........

I wish more of the women I know would carry.

Unfortunately all of them are very very anti.

The reality is, I'm a 300+lb. guy who is pretty strong. Most of them are like 120 lbs or something and pretty weak IMO. They should carry SOMETHING! Instead, I'm the only one carrying. :scrutiny:
There are more and more females being fingerprinted for their CCW permits at our sherriff's office here in rural upstate WA
Miss Debbie wrote, boyfriend always wants to know why I have a CCW...

Your boyfriend needs to get a grip before he loses you.

Thank you for the video. I try to show my girlfriend clips like this. The problem is that she watches so many damn movies, it seems like she doesn't internalize these real cases as being any more real than the movies she watches. Our differing views on gun ownership are a big source of friction.
My wife and both my daughters are comfortable around handguns and can shoot pretty well. Over the holidays I had them all at the range and they shot up all my ammo. For her wedding gift, I gave my middle daughter a very nice EAA Witness Poly in .40 and she's getting her CCW in Florida. My wife has always had a loaded pistol nearby as well. My oldest lives in NYC so there's not much I can help her with. Be armed and be prepared - especially the ladies out there as the world is not a safe place...
Great YouTube link. Everyone who says they depend on the police to respond for home protection should listen to that 911 audio tape.
Everyone who says they depend on the police to respond...

The problem is when those individuals don't get it because they simply don't want to get it. Taking responsibility for their own safety means they have to come out of their state of blissful denial. They're a lot like a kid who thinks if he covers his eyes you can't see him.
Makes me think about my wife and kids being home alone every day. I'm going to make sure she sees this, then set aside some time for pistol practice.
And still the mindset of most of the ones running for president is to take away are second ammendmet rights, not only does this make me sick:barf: but it makes me way more PO:fire: ELECT MIKE HUCKABEE OR RON PAUL EVEN FRED THOMPSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brave woman,I am from the UK and that tape seemed to go on forever.Call me nieve but I have never heard anything like that before...
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