This site blocked at work?

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Apr 30, 2006
North Carolina
Well, It finally happened. The IT dweeb at my work (local Government) decided that he knows what is in our best interests and filtered all of the sites relating to "weapons".

My question is this: does this site have a "mirror"(i think thats what its called) URL? any other gun forums that have a mirror url that might not be on the filter list? Feel free to PM me or post here with any info that might be helpful in this situation.

FWIW, Yahoo email must also be EVIL since its also blocked.:cuss::banghead:
They block yahoo mail at my work. Not because of anything against yahoo, it's just that we have some highly sensitive information on the computers (banking related) and they feel that any email other than the designated work email is high risk and blocked. Too much risk for viruses and leaking of info.

I haven't tried coming here from work, and to be honest, I haven't even browsed any pages even remotely related to weapons. I'm trying to keep a low profile, but to be honest with you, I don't see WHY anyone would block this website. Heck, you would think that a website called The High Road would be allowed, but I guess anything even remotely related to weapons is considered violent, disruptive, and hateful. Meh. Gotta love the sheeple mentality...
Yep, unfortunately a lot of government agencies block sites like this one. I even have problem getting some news sites too?

I make up for it when I get home. This is the first place I check.:cool:

Being the guy that does the blocking at my company, I'd advise against using proxies. If they have any IDS capabilities at all, proxies send the claxons ringing. It's a huge red flag for the security folks.

We went to a new product on that stuff (I am big brother at work) and the day after we put it in, I had like, 20 emails in my inbox.

"Hey, why can't I get to Remington?"
"Yo, why's Glock's site blocked?"
"I can't get to arfcom."
"What, you don't like Barrett?"

Needless to say, no one at my place of business will be having any trouble getting to Glock's site, or THR for that matter. :D I love working in a company full of pro 2a people.
I'm fortunate.
Our guy at the "fire wall" in City Hall's computer center is a gun partisan.
So THR and all other gunny sites ride high.
Others are not so lucky.
You could always ask IT to "whitelist" the site for you. I work in IT and in our case we have to absolutely bend over backwards to accommodate our users else we risk "infringing on their creativity". It's almost laughable how little control we're allowed to have over our own computing resources. I guess we're the other end of the IT spectrum :)
I am "The Network Guy" at work....

Very darn little gets blocked here...I did have to block a few domains due to massive ammounts of spam, but I don't block stuff unless I just really have to dot it.
I used to work for a fortune 500 company that blocked a lot of sites that I liked to visit.

Then I got divorced. Then I found myself going out drinking with some guys from work often. Then I ended up going out a lot with the IT guy on the 3rd floor.

Then I found that my computer was not blocked anymore. :)


-- John
Blocked pages at work isnt a problem for me, but then, the only computer available to me at work is my own laptop with my own mobile internetconnection.
The mixed blessings of being a taxidriver.
The IT personnel in the company where I previously worked, also monitored and prevented employees from entering specific websites. The following situation unrelated to firearms happened to me and was funny and somewhat embarrassing. I was searching for companies that manufacture injection molded caps for tubing so I typed in "hole plugs" not even thinking about the results. Guess what? I had a ton of hits from every ***** manufacture in the world. It only took me thirty seconds to get to the IT department to tell them that I wasn't looking for that item. We all had a good laugh over that one.
wow is that even legal?

sounds like a slippery slope

Of course it is legal. The company does not have to grant you access to the internet on their line, on their dime, or to give you free reign of where you surf. Surely you don't think that this would qualify as some sort of first amendment censorship do you?

Of course, if it is first amendment censorship, then they would just fire the guy for not doing his job, sort of like they would for cussing out his boss.
why would it be?

i think firearms sites are blocked because of the firearms (stupid as that may be) not any political reasons...

dont think youll find alot of firearms on the brady site...
Not of course that I would ever suggest that an individual could evade restrictions....:evil:

However, purely as a thought experiment, you could......:rolleyes:

Go to Google, click on "Advanced search"

Leave word search empty

Go to "Search within a site or domain" enter

Expand the date section and select "Last 24 hours"

Hit return

When you get the returns if you click on the cached link you will get the page as cached on Google.

Not real time but better than nowt.

As I said I cannot advocate or condone this, use at your own risk
wow is that even legal?

As long as the company doesn't throw you in jail, yes it is totally legal. A company can make you wear a pink dress if they want, and not following company policy will get you legally fired.

Not being able to say what you want at your place of work for fear of termination is MUCH different from not being able to say what you want in your own home for fear of government officials throwing you in jail.
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