tig welding on a rifle barrel?

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Mar 27, 2005
hello everyone

since I plan to be leaving new york in favor or a state without an AWB, I wanted to install bayonet lugs on my rifles...

what will tig welding (lowest amperage possible obviously) do to the bore of the rifle, if anything? is there any heat treatment that will be knocked out from my pouring that much heat into the barrel?

any info would be appreciated.

p.s. welding is my livelihood, not a pastime ;)
Mighty few modern military rifles have their bayonet lugs integral with the barrel. Not the Springfield or AR in the next room, anyhow. What are you fooling with?
Off hand, the only fairly modern rifle I can think of that has the bayonet lugs integral with the barrel is the British Rifle No.4. The AR-15 bayonet lug is on the front sight base, the M14 lug is on the flash hider.

My question is why worry about it? I really can't think of any reason for needing to bayonet anyone, being harder than shooting them and pretty messy to boot.

ok, knowing about the bayonet lugs, moot point.

and I really only want the bayonet because it's 'evil'

As a fellow welder I really don't see how you can lay down a bead without distorting the barrel and definitely causing brittleness. Maybe a series of quick tacks with cooling in between, but that would be about it (like when you do thin sheet metal). Good luck,
There is a time and place to weld on rifle barrels.
It makes a big difference what you are welding and where on the barrel it is.

The only thing I have ever welded on a barrel was a muzzle break to get it up to legal length. Not much of an issue that far out.
Back toward the chamber no way bubba.

All the SKSes sold in California have the grenade launcher swapped out for a muzzle brake, which is MIG welded on. Doesn't seem to negatively affect the weapon, but if you are looking at burning wire on a $1,500 rifle you might be better off selling the offending parts and replacing them with new.
I'm not a welder, and don't even play one on TV, But could you fill the barrel with water to act as a heat sink? perhaps plug the muzzle and just tilt slightly to keep water from running out the chamber end?
methinks yer talkin about a G1, my friend.

welding the lug back on would put a lot of heat on one side of the barrel, even with GTAW. your point of impact might move down a bit. no problem with welding out there, especially with GTAW, but you might affect some things. packing the barrel with wet cotton wadding and keeping the weld to a minimum would help.
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