TN - new legislation would loosen concealed carry permit restrictions

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Dec 19, 2002

[blockquote]Concealed carry permits are also addressed in the legislative package. Valid permit holders would be able to carry their firearms into a restaurant that sells alcohol if they are not drinking. A measure to allow local law enforcement to open their firing ranges to permit holders when the ranges are vacant will also be introduced. However, local law enforcement would not be required to do this. In addition, members of the armed forces would be allowed extensions on their concealed carry permits while they are on active duty.

"Concealed carry permit holders are some of our most responsible citizens," added Mumpower. "We should not place additional burdens on them after they have completed the rigorous process required to obtain one." [/blockquote]
Be careful not to be too hasty to fully support the legislation. Unless you dislike abortion, hate same-sex marriage, and think meth is a plague on society, there's at least one component of the same legislative package that's rather disturbing. Since all of those subjects border on being off-topic, read the above article if you want to know.
Interesting article. Thanks for pointing it out. I just love it when a politician stands up and states categorically that "Tennesseans believe X." I guess that means I'm not a real Tennessean. :rolleyes:
Sucks that they'd attach pro-freedom CCW legislation to a law otherwise filled with sociofascistic pap. As it is, thumbs down to the bill. :(

(They can take their supposed "Tennessee values", fold them 'til they're all sharp corners, and... :mad: :fire: As far as I'm concerned, from out here in East Tennessee, the number one "Tennessee value" is that we don't have a lot of truck with some flatlander telling us what to do. :scrutiny: )
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