To what degree do you let kids carry or use weapons in self defence

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How would you know when they are mature enough to do so?
I'm leaning towards troll on this as well.....but regardless, the answer HAS to be "Starting the day after graduation" because there is no amount of "permission" that a parent can give that negates the school's rules on weapons. As for the other part of the question concerning defense against a home invader, as soon as you have shown the maturity to accept the responsibility that goes with knowing the combo to the safe. I was taught gun handling/safety beginning at the ripe old age of "toddler". I was also taught that even if I knew how to, should I go messing with things that I KNEW better than to play with it, sitting down would be a long and painfully reacquired skill. I knew where they were, I knew how to use them, and I knew better than to "play" with them. Dad made it clear that anytime I wanted to "play" with one, I was welcome to under his supervision. This kind of took all the mystique out of it and left it as something that I knew I could do if I did it thru channels and would result in serious unhappiness should I choose to go it alone. We never had an issue......
I really can't believe that you have kids and are asking that question.

Schools almost always have "Zero Tolerance" so the kid would get suspended at the very least. Unfortunately, it's up to adults to protect kids because kids with knives/guns who think it's OK to use them in self defence rarely have the maturity to know when to use it and when to swallow your pride and let the perp live.
I'm sure my 2 year old could sneak a pocketknife into daycare. Rough place. He's gotten a few bumps and bruises, so I need to make sure he's able to defend himself properly. When he's 5, I think I'll let him take an AR to kindygarten.

Yeah, that ought to work out real well for the family.
Depends on the kid and the situation, doesn't it?

If one of my kids ever asks me about it, we'll talk. As for now, they have no access to my firearms, unless I hand it to them--not even in an emergency.

All of them (5-9) know about guns, though--and the 9-year-old knows how to shoot.

None of them, no matter what the circumstance, is bringing a knife or gun to school for "protection." If that much danger is anticipatable, they're staying home or we're finding another school.
you may not like it, but.......

Most children, regardless of how mature they look or act, have not learned through practice yet how things are in the world. There are always exceptions to the rule, but that is one reason most vehicular accidents happen to young age groups along with a host of petty crimes that normally don't happen to people in the 20's and up.
Also in most states, the adult guardian is liable for crimes and situations that the guardian knowingly alllows the minor to do. a lot of states an unsecured firearm left in the presence of a minor is , of itself a felony.
So, my opinion is that a minor has no business with a firearms unless he/she is being supervised by an adult guardian in some type of legal shooting activity.

If a child is alone in an area that is risky or if the home is not safe, the child should not be left to his own devices and doing so is in fact illegal in many states.

Having children is a reward most of the time....but make no mistake, it involves many sacrifices for the parent/guardian.
You are your parents responsibility.

as for the rough school thing....

it's there responsibility to either advocate for you there or get you the heck out of there.
Well when "I" was in school it wasn't unusual to see a classmate bring in his dad's M1Garand for "show and tell". I used to carry an old buck lockback folder to school and nothing was ever said.

Things being the way they are today you might as well ask your parents to let you be homeschooled.

I'm not aware of ANY school policy that allows carrying any type of weapon, 'cept a pencil.
Well when "I" was in school it wasn't unusual to see a classmate bring in his dad's M1Garand for "show and tell". I used to carry an old buck lockback folder to school and nothing was ever said.

Things being the way they are today you might as well ask your parents to let you be homeschooled.

I'm not aware of ANY school policy that allows carrying any type of weapon, 'cept a pencil.

Interestingly enough, I was stabbed in the side with a #2 when I was 9 or 10.

You can still see the mark/scar.
To pick up on what MinnMooney said--if schools will suspend firstgraders for pointing a finger and saying bang:fire::banghead: or merely for DRAWING a knife or gun:mad::barf: I would be careful about sending them with cane if they had a sprained ankle
Advocating children breaking the law and school policy is not the High Road.


Wow, OP. I mean, wow. What a question.


Take some defense classes or something, hit the gym, don't get yourself expelled over something dumb. I used to carry a small pocketknife regularly but then so did many of the guys at school. Not for any particular reason, just handy to have around.
I would never let a kid carry a knife to school. At best case that is a felony.

Carrying a knife or owning a gun is a different matter and depends on laws and individual maturity.
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