Today's New York Times

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Whitewolf 508

May 8, 2006
Dutchess County NY
Thought the writer of this article must have been foaming at the mouth..

A Day Without Guns ...
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DiggFacebookNewsvinePermalinkPublished: January 30, 2007

Twenty years ago, the Florida Legislature cravenly decided to allow “law abiding” citizens to carry concealed weapons merely by declaring their preference for self-defense. Then last July, at the prodding of the gun lobby, the current crop of state lawmakers proved they could be even more corrupt and cowardly than their predecessors by deciding to make the list of gun-toting Floridians a secret.

Fortunately, a local newspaper has given residents of the state a final look at their representatives’ gruesome handiwork.

When the law was first enacted, there were fewer than 25,000 licensed gun holders. Since then, the state roll has boomed to 410,000 and counting. As the veil descends on this dangerously macho part of the public record, enterprising articles in The Florida Sun-Sentinel are laying bare the fact that more than 1,400 people easily got gun licenses despite pleading guilty or no contest to felonies that included manslaughter, burglary and child molestation. In Broward County alone, gun licenses grew in 20 years to more than 35,000 from 25.

Sampling records just before the law took effect, the newspaper uncovered hundreds of tales of mayhem, official indifference and glaring loopholes in criminal justice protection. One man got a license after pleading no contest to manslaughter in fatally shooting his girlfriend in the head while she cooked him breakfast. Another applicant was licensed despite guilty pleas to grand theft and assault charges for holding a handgun against his roommate’s head in an argument.

Those permitted to pack concealed weapons include 216 people with outstanding criminal warrants, 128 under domestic violence injunctions and 6 registered sex offenders.

The gun lobby, predictably enough, is blaming “bleeding-heart, criminal-coddling judges and prosecutors” for this grim state of affairs. The truth is that the National Rifle Association has succeeded too well in herding legislators to do its dangerous bidding. Lawmakers in 38 states have approved bills allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons.

As in some of those states, Florida’s legislators take the position that it’s no fun to have a gun if you can’t use it. So they loosened the laws on self-defense to allow a civilian to stand and use deadly force “if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary.” If lawmakers had any sense of shame, they would undo these lethal threats to their constituents.

Since then, the state roll has boomed to 410,000 and counting. As the veil descends on this dangerously macho part of the public record, enterprising articles in The Florida Sun-Sentinel are laying bare the fact that more than 1,400 people easily got gun licenses despite pleading guilty or no contest to felonies that included manslaughter, burglary and child molestation.

On the face of it this looks like a bad thing, and it is, but considering the overall numbers, it represents a failure of the system of 3/10 of 1%. Gee, I wonder why they missed that perspective? :barf:
Since 99% of the crimes ( I am guessing) are committed by people with illegal guns, I think that the author is an idiot for focussing on the tiny percentage of people who got guns legally when they shouldn't have.
And how many people who CCW have been arrested ??? And how many have been convicted ??? What about the overall homocide, assualt, mugging, etc rates have been over the last 30 years ???

As I stated in a different thread, I'd like to see the numbers on Driver's Licences issued to people who shouldn't have them ???
The left favors mollycoddling violent criminals, so naturally they oppose allowing honest, work-for-a-living, raise-good-children, tax-paying, conservative, patriotic, American-troop-supporting, nature-conserving, decent folks to carry concealed self-defence tools on the basis of something so frivolous as the United States Constitution.
What is telling about these morons is that the THOUGHT that people have access to guns is a sign that the world is coming to an end. They couldn't care less that the crime rate has plummeted or not...gun=bad no matter what.

The insular group that believes the NYT is God's own word can't see how insane their own logic is. They sit with their lattes and at smarmy cocktail parties clucking about how smart they are. They can't even fathom that there is any other position.
Today's New York

Yesterday reading about our troops and the Iraq's killing 250 insurgents(terrorists), Iwrote this little note to the NYT editors E- address.

News item:
It was reported today that 250 Insurgents(terrorists) were killed in Iraq by the US and Iraq Army,
NYT's holds a moment of silence.

I do something like this a lot to play with their minds.:neener:
If the writer knows there are 1400 felons with permits why doesn't he give proof of their identities. That way law enforcement can pick them up. Who's the coward? The state for allowing concealed carry or the writer for not doing his civic duty and informing law enforcement of (dangerous) criminals in violation of the law. You know, I bet he originally wrote 410,000 felons with permits and an editor had him tone it down. It would not surprise me.
First, if there is a problem with background checks they need to correct that instead of taking guns away from everyone who DIDN'T commit a crime.

Second, a fringe minority of gun owners committing crimes is ground for taking a right away from everyone? I find it very curious that if a fringe minority of illegal immigrants committ crimes they are not screaming about keeping out illegals ... quite to the contrary the ACLU will sue to protect them. Who is protecting OUR rights?

Hey - Kennedy, Moore, and Clinton tell us that guns NEVER make anyone safer which is why they have armed bodyguards :)
Florida has long been the leader in allowing its citizens the means to defend themselves. Most (perhaps all) laws relaxing unreasonable restrictions on gun owners started there, as did the expansion of the "castle doctrine." Each of those forward steps caused an uproar.

One aftermath of the 2006 elections ("We sent them a message!") has been a concerted effort to roll back all of those laws and turn Florida into a biogger, hotter, more humid version of New York City. I think that the pressure will increase and, unless Floridians and their legislators actively mount a strong opposition, is likely to be successful.

I know: "But we sent them a message!" They got the message and they're acting on it. Whatever message gun owners think they sent in the last elections, the message received is that the NRA does not speak for all gun owners and that gun owners are too enlightened to vote singlemindedly on gun issues.

So now, of course, is the time for Gun Owners of America, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, and all the other splinter groups that have fragmented gun owners to step forward and save the day. Now is their moment in time to demonstrate that they have the will and the ability to do something important and decisive in the politics of gun ownership in this country. They can be Superman instead of the Penguin or the Joker. Go to it, Larry Pratt: put on your suit and rescue the situation now. Use your political might to save Florida. :)
I too share your outrage, but if... "Those permitted to pack concealed weapons include 216 people with outstanding criminal warrants, 128 under domestic violence injunctions and 6 registered sex offenders...." then we're not going to convince too many "middle of the roaders" that only good guys carry and people should support our position. Hell, I'm sqeaky clean and can't carry in my own state. This will be pointed to by my sorry representatives as a reason to continue the prohibition in NJ. You can kill the messenger, but if these facts are true, Florida's lack of oversight did nothing but provide ammunition to the antis.
Florida needs to fix these problems. Giving a permit to someone with an outstanding warrant is outrageous. Warrants are all computerized these days. That should just never happen. Good for this paper for exposing these problems.
Florida needs to fix these problems. Giving a permit to someone with an outstanding warrant is outrageous. Warrants are all computerized these days. That should just never happen. Good for this paper for exposing these problems.

I agree, but couldn't the paper print this without the politics?
The author of this is nutty...

It almost sounds like something a NY / California raised and educated 20 year old college student would say.

Sorry, but when people use the term "law abiding" in quotes it REALLY burns me. :fire:

I'd just better stop right there before I exit the high road.
The NY Times is essentially toilet paper.

Wait, that won't work ! It's already full of .... well, you know. If it's in the Times, it can't possibly be true.
Does anybody ( besides John Kerry ) still read that rag?
If we ignore it, it WILL go away.
"First, if there is a problem with background checks they need to correct that instead of taking guns away from everyone who DIDN'T commit a crime."
NY Times?


This is Florida, and quite frankly - this is what we think of their liberal anti-gun opinions:


Anyone who reads that and believes it is lost. Their clientele...err I mean readers are largely anti-gun leftists. So they're preaching to the choir.

BTW, the NY Times makes for a wonderful gun cleaning surface to soak up the dirty Hoppes when I clean my carry pistol. Hey, I was taught to look at the bright side of things - the NY Times is useful for something!
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