Tom Cruise's Pistol Training/Shooting Instruction for Film "Collateral"?

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I could really care less if some actor, director or whatever is an anti as long as they don't preach about it. Cruise's donor list has some antis on it, big deal. I really doubt that anyone could "blacklist" every person and corporation that has supported an anti at some point in time. This goes double for those who realize that a lot of Republicans are anti too. Remember, not everyone is a one issue voter. In fact, some people completely ignore the issue of firearms.

Just for fun let's see who a blacklist type person would keep their money from.
Sony _Hustler
Disney _Penthouse
Chrysler _Playboy
Apple _Martha Stewart
General Electric (GE) _Jack Nicholson
NBC _Ed Norton
CBS _Lucy Liu
ABC _Tommy Lee Jones
Tom Hanks _Harrison Ford
Ron Howard _Matt Damon
Robert Deniro _Kevin Costner
Don Johnson _Burt Reynolds
Sylvester Stallone _Farrah Fawcett
Ted Danson _The Yankees/George Steinbrenner
Dan Aykroyd _The Simpsons
Chevy Chase _Danny DeVito
Andre Agassi _Jimmy Buffett
Bruce Springsteen _Stan Lee (Marvel Comics)
and many many more... but you get the picture.
Hi David,

I was recently talking to Taran Butler, a top USPSA competitor in CA, and he mentioned the guy who was working with Cruise, but I can't remember his name. Taran does alot of Hollywood Firearms Instruction (he's buddies w/ James Cameron), so I'm sure he would know.

Who know's, it could've been training for MI3.

Phil Strader
Turns out that Mick was the guy Taran was telling me about.

Oh well.

I could've taught Tom a thing or two! :D

u sure it was him?
I watched a special about the movie the other night,and it stated that Guy Rock trained Crusie for the pistol and hand to hand stuff. Interesting point about Rock, he trains you to add on your strengths, not by teaching new skills from the ground up. Cruise said he really enjoyed his time at the range as well... who knows he might convert just yet
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