Took my 7 Y.O. daughter shooting..... Need some help!

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Nikon Shooter -

Good advice from all above!

If you find out that she is indeed right-eyed, but just can't get past shooting with both eyes open, put a piece of frosted Scotch tape on the left lense of her shooting glasses - this will let her keep both eyes open, but will give her a neutral background for her left eye to focus on. This should give her a clear sight picture, and prevent any eye strain.

Hope this helps, and keep on shooting!
If she is cross eyed dominant, it may be easier to teach her to shoot left handed, than to teach her right eye to do what its supposed to. I’m right eye, right handed and fairly ambidextrous, and my brother is right handed lefty eyed. I shoot long guns right handed, handguns with either. My brother shoots long guns left handed and handguns right handed. Either way, congrats on the blossoming new shooter :D
Can she wink when doing something other than shooting? My wife cannot wink (both eyes open or closed, can't do 'em one at a time). She's not much of a shooter, so other than the tape/vaseline on the left lens of her shooting glasses I can't offer too much.
Two eyes open and Action Pistol is a thread at BrianEnos

There is a thread at BrianEnos including learning to shoot action pistol with both eyes open - includes suggested exercises and some implications that seeing as a learned activity is different for younger children.
Make sure she is right eye dominant first, then maybe try:

Cut a blinder out of an old plastic milk jug. I used to use one when I was target shooting. If you don't want to do that, then put some scotch tape over the left side of her glasses. This will let her get used to seeing out of one eye while keeping both open. She will learn how to close one eye in time, and she will probably learn how to shoot well with both eyes open, but this should help her out until then.
I couldn't help posting on this thread instead of just lurking.

Have you had her eyes checked by someone other than the school nurse? I know that personally I'm horribly nearsighted, almost legally blind without corrective lenses, and my dominant eye has been known to shift to which ever eye has the better correction.

Also the quick and dirty method I learned for testing dominant eye is to have her stick both arms straight out, tips of the thumbs and tips of the index fingers touching (there should be a small triangle of space between the hands) have her focus on an object about 10 feet away and have her pull both hands back to her face/eyes. The dominant eye should be the one between the hands.

Hope it helps!
Nikon Shooter;

I have 3 daughters, almost 11, 7 (& she has the pink Chipmunk, too) & 3. My advice to you, if this is your daughter's first shooting experience is......don't worry about it, at this point.

Stress safety and gun handling to her, but above all else, make it FUN[/I].

If you're pushing her to shoot bullseyes & 10-rings or the pop can every time, it won't be fun for her, and if it ain't fun, she won't want to continue.

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