Trade Show Question


Apr 2, 2006
I read in the linked article that AR-15s were hidden away at trade shows 15 years ago.

To those in the industry, is this true? I've never been to SHOT Show, but I've seen pictures, and videos promoting products at the show, and I could have sworn AR type rifles have been displayed openly since forever.

I could see Colt or somebody doing their own thing, but it's hard for me to imagine a promoter or NSSF requiring something like this:

The industry 15 years ago would not even allow the AR-15 to be used or displayed at its own trade shows. I mean, they were locked up in a corner. You had to have military or police credentials to even go in there.
Don't help fund the leftists and anti-gunners by even clicking on the link.

This author is a scammer who has carved out a way to make money, just as he himself describes in the article when he says: "But, you know, as with most things, when you earn a paycheck from something, you’re likely to be greatly influenced by it." He used to be in the gun manufacturing industry, but switched sides to work for a left-wing organization (propublica) and now uses his old position as a credential to help dupe the unwitting.

Also, from the article:
And then an explosion hit. That explosion was the future Black president leading in the polls in 2007. And then Barack Obama won in 2008. So you have this sort of uncapping of hate and conspiracy, much of it racially driven, that the NRA was tapping into.
Among his other angles, he's playing the BS race card here, I assume hoping it'll be effective with the ignorant. Fact is, Obama was elected with a HUGE white vote. TWO TIMES. This country is NOT "systemically" racist.
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I’d say first off, you can go back a lot further than 15 years ago and they were front and center. 1992, everyone was cashing in on the first modern day panic. “They” would like for them to be hidden in the back though.

I’d also say their reasons for divisiveness isn’t BS, it’s for political power. Along with other key factors. Never take personal responsibility. Division is much more powerful than unity. How can you get votes from people you don’t properly represent? Promise to help them and blame the other side for your failures and you keep getting votes.

That’s just how they work. Look at Chicago’s outrage at their last mayor and they elect another cut from the same cloth, expecting a different outcome. Over and over and over. The last time they had any mayor that wasn’t a Democrat was April of 1931…

So 92 years of D control, have they gotten you closer or further from the utopia they promised? Doesn’t matter, that’s not what they are trying to do, just things they say to get elected…
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Wording gives it away.
There are not that many "trade shows" in the "gun biz"-unlike other industries. Also, unlike a number of other industries, attendance is seldom restrictive, and advertising is expensive.

The leftyverse really does not want to embrace that much of the "surge" in AR ownership is due to WJC's federal AWB.
Every time I wonder if the "wokes" actually think they are helping America, I take a look at the electorate and it all becomes clear how easily the "program" gets accepted. :barf: