Train your family

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Sometimes words are necessary to EDUCATE. Teaching, passing information, and provoking thought are sometimes hard to do with just a couple of words.

Oleg, keep producing this fine material you've been putting out. The gripers just seem to me like they'd complain about getting a brand new car for free because it's the wrong color.
I meant to show the moment after a shoot-down, with the guy now holstering and talking to 911. The lady covers the intruder remains with the remaining barrel.
Might work. I get enough emails from "unmarried" same-sex couples who train together to make inclusive language worthwhile.
I think we can slim the text down, but not necessarily to the extreme some others have opined. Perhaps simply: 'Can your spouse back you up?' and leave off the scenario context? After all, one's spouse might have to back them up in places and occasions other than in the home...

Including unions beyond spouse is a good idea, but I can't think of a term aside from 'mate' that will catch everyone. Perhaps 'mate' is good enough. Maybe 'Can your family back you up?' and at the bottom 'Train (with) them!'

Well I wasn't really thinking of non-traditional relationships, though it's a valid point. I was trying to alude to a you are partners in everything else, why not in defending the family also sense. Your Partner is also your "partner". But inclusive is good.

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