Tred Barta

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I hate hunting shows. But Trent is "the man". Maybe all you guys walk on water and never make mistakes. I have seen a couple shows where he never even gets close to game. Thats life. Life is not huge trophies parading past your stand will you "choose which one to hunt" that is culling. To me I like to see and an individual once and a while.
Tred Barta is fairly well respected in the offshore fishing community. He is a no-kill, catch and release marlin fisherman. You have to respect that, even if you don't like him personally. I've used some of his natural bait techniques off Hatteras with success. I agree that he can sometimes grate on the nerves. People either love him or hate him.

Peter Capstick did a story on taking hogs with a knife in Argentina. IIRC, after the dogs had a good grip on the hog, the object was to drive an oversized, bowie type knife into the top of neck, cutting the spine. I would love to watch Mr. Barta attempt this. Personally, I'm "rooting" for the hog. I'll quickly admit that my bias is partially based on jealousy. His new Albemarle turns me "green". :D

Any way it turns out, it ought to be a good show. He better work on his footwork, though.
I haven't seen his show in a while and as I recall I had mixed feelings about it.We all make mistakes hunting and fishing,I know I have but there were parts of his show when I wished his mouth had a mute button.

Trying to be a "regular" guy is cool but his mouth can be obnoxious.

When is he supposed to hunt the hog? That I have to see!

I wouldn't want to see him get hurt, but watching the hog chase him for a spell would sure add to the show!
I haven't seen the latest episode, so I don't know how it came off. Tred Barta is part showman, large part hunter and fisherman, and someone who's just interested in primitive methods of taking fish and game. He's stated many times that he cannot consistently make a shot with a bow at 30-40 yards, so he waits until the quarry is 12-20 yards out for a killing shot. He practices for weeks at those ranges and humbly tells the guide that is what he needs as a maximum. Last but not least, Tred shares his joy and excitement so that we can share it. Sure he's a character, but that makes the show...Tom
Well, all I have to say is that if you hunt with a bow, you should probably be able to at least hit a paper plate at 25 yds. Not sure Tred can do that. You should be good enough that the hit will cause the quarry to expire quickly without undue suffering, and also so you can recover the animal. Sure, things can happen and always will. But on a base level you should be somewhat proficient - anything less is irresponsible and cruel, IMHO.
I like his shows, both the hunting and fishing. He says his comfort zone with a bow is 25 yards max. That is as far as he will shoot.

I also like it because he isn't showing you how to plant corn and make a nice little feeding area conviently next to your stand giving yourself the perfect 50 yard shot with the latest and greatest ___ magnum witht the Leuopold scope.

His personality is a little bit much but he is no more annoying than say Ted Nugent
Right About Barta

I have to agree with most people here and say that Tred Barta isn't a "great hunter". Why, just the other day I saw that ol' Tred killed a duck with a longbow (it took him six years). How can Tred be a "great hunter" if he doen't use a .300 Win Mag fitted with a 12x scope? How can a man consider himself a great taker of game if he doesn't sit in a tripod stand, wearing a suit of charcoal? What kind of world do we live in when a man doesn't let technology do his killing for him? Why on earth would this "Alpha Hotel" want to get within 20 yards of a deer rather than impersonally dispatch it from well over 150? I would have to say that is "Bravo Sierra"!
Tred isn't bad for hunting, what hunting has become today is bad for hunting.
He reminds me of a neighbor. This guy makes his own arrows, broadheads (flint) and bow. He insists on using it to hunt with. Every year he comes by asking if I have seen the deer he is trying to track down.

His success rate on getting a hit is 100%. His recovery rate is 0%.

I have killed several deer over the years and found his flint broadheads in shallow wounds that have healed. usaually in a nonfatal area.

I have quit talking to him about it. When a wounded deer comes through my woods now I shoot it, skin it and shut up on where it came from.

There is a reason equipment improved over the centuries. I use good modern equipment and keep my primitive skills for fun. (A modern recurve with good arrows and broadheads).
Yes Tred is an arrogant,egotistical A-hole. I know this to be true because he has said it on his show on many occasions. He has said most people do not like him and he does not care. He does it his way. He shows his hunts, fishing, and himself WARTS and all. You may not like him, but you have to respect the fact that unlike most of the "celebrity" outdoors stars he puts everything out there for the world to see.

Amazing the member of new memebers who have piped up on this one. Are some of you guys Barta fan club or cheerleaders or what ? Some seem to be pretty darn emoitional about old Bartsy poo.

In any case if you are tell Tred that next time I see him I'm going to give him a big wet kiss...;)
I saw the promo last night and from what I saw I'm interested in seeing more. Anyone that is crazy enough to take on wild hogs with a fixed blade knife is clearly going to end up doing something worth saving on the TiVo!

I've done that with the help of dogs. It's popular sport in Texas. I just went along with a friend, but don't make a habit of it. I've stuck a hog. We used filet knifes, sharp, cut the carotid. I insisted on taking my .45. Dog owners generally don't like guns on hunts, but screw the dogs if that hog gets loose. :scrutiny:

I don't get OLN, which really sux since they have the AMA Red Bull Supermoto series and I have to miss all the action. :banghead: I love that Supermoto stuff, being from a road racing/flat track background... :D We get outdoor channel, at least I get to see "Spirit of the Wild".
Wellllllllll...... I'll bite. I like the show, like he's says, you don't have to hunt the way he does. BUT I shoot a hand made long bow, and you just try to shoot a hand thrown (or duck) target at 25 yards out of the air! I've done it once and thought I owned the world! I also don't shoot it all the time and would never take it hunting unless I shot it a heck of a lot more.

I've never taken a record book buck, but have a bunch under my belt that have been taken with pistols mostly but also with rifle, shotgun and bow. I also hunt mostly state land and a bit of private land, and don't get to have my can shipped all over gods creation to hunt managed property. I have slipped, tripped, dropped a gun and even got a bit turned around in the woods a couple of times. I've always made it back, usually have a sucsessful hunt and always have a great time with family, friends, or even alone. I can relate to what he gets out of hunting.

I don't like all these shows that have some guy taking a "trophy" every time he goes on a hunting trip. It just ain't that way for the most of us. Not saying I would turn down having a job like that or even do it as a show.
I'm a member of MUCC here in Michigan and we have our own show, Michigan-out-of-Doors, it shows how regular folks hunt and fish.

Would I stick a Boar with a big ole knife....... Heck ya!

Give Tred a bit of credit, he has a great time where ever he's at. Hunts with a longbow for everything, tries hard, promotes ethical hunting, can make fun of himself when he slips and falls. Ya, he has his opinions.... but so do we.

We, as sportsmen and women need to stick up for our fellow outdoorsmen. If we don't, the anti's are right there to exploit that downfall. Michigan lost its fledgling dove season for that very reason.

Hog Stickin'

I have always liked his show. Right up to the point he did this hunt with a knife/dogs.

The degree torture to the hog to me was unaccetable/unprofessional. I believe a person should hunt with the biggest, most powerful and most effective weapon they can handle properly.

Will I watch him in the future? Sure, but his standing in my mind was tarnished by this episode.

Hey, knives, bows, lances, they were the tools of the hunter long before the firearm came along and allowed us to be "humane". I've got nothing against guys that hunt with dogs, no real worry about the boar, anyway. He's getting his the natural way, the way I look at it. What you do with the knife is no worse than what a pack of wolves do with their teeth. It's more natural than shooting him with a 150 grain chunk of lead as super sonic speeds. I have seen dogs layed open, though, and that is hard to take. The guys that do this stuff are serious about it, take suture kits for the inevitable when a dog is injured, and heck, the dogs love the hunt, just a dangerous thing when they get a big hog cornered.

I never owned hog dogs and don't really want to. It's a productive way to hunt, but it can clean out a hog population if done enough. The farmers around here love that part of it, though, and if you have dogs, there's no end to the land you can be allowed to hunt even though Texas is a lease crazy state. It's just too physical for a 54 year old man and I'm not into staying up all night, rather get up early in the morning. I am a gun guy, too, more than just a hunter. I really get into my rifles and handguns. Don't care for primitive. About as primitive as I get is charcoal and a hand cast .50 cal Minie ball.

Very well said. Dog hunting is one of mans oldest and should be one of his most cherished forms of hunting.

I've knifed and speared a couple of hogs. But I do it a bit different. I don't use catch dogs. I use one or two fast bay dogs. After the hog is bayed up I come in and fight him myself. This is not recommended with a knife but is one heck of an exciting hunt with a spear.

It's over the top dangerous on anything but a smaller hog with a knife.

I also prefer a nicely fitted accurate center fire over anything else. Unless I'm just in the stupid human trick mode..:D
Listen carefully to the theme song next time Barta is on. It has the lyrics 'you're the man, Tred Barta!' in it. Complete tool. Watch the episode where he tries to arrow a duck. Hypocrite used tractors to move round bales into a blind, then talks about how he hunts in a 'natural' way. He finally, accidentally hit the wrong bird and was so excited I think he soiled himself. Utter jerk. Thoroughly entertaining television.
Did anyone see the episode a while back where IIRC, he was hunting grizzly bears in Alaska, and at the end of the program, he told the boat's capatain that what he would love to do, just once, was a baby seal?

I damn near fell out of bed laughing at that!!

I agree with Ma Nature's Son . . . I enjoy the show & many aspects remind me of . . . me! Beats hell out of "Hunt 'Em in a Pen Houston" or "Sorry, you can't hunt here anymore; Buckmasters has an exclusive lease Bushman" hands-down. There are a host of other shows I'd skip in favor of Barta's.
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