Turn up the Heat on PA Sen. Specter

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Mar 28, 2007
Pocono Area, PA
I was mortified when I learned that PA Senator Arlen Specter actually SUPPORTS the Eric Holder nomination for US Attorney General. It's a slap in the face to Pennsylvanians who live free under the Second Amendment. See Specter Website

Whatever you do, if you live in Pennsylvania, turn on the heat. Write him. You can email him here: Contact Arlen Specter

You'll find phone numbers are there too, so please let him know the error of his ways. Contacting your senator is a great form of activism at a time like this, and he needs to know he's flushing his career down the toilet.
I emailed him on this and a host of other issues, routinely, for years. You get a form letter back from an aide with his name on it. They just but a check mark in the for or against tabulations, 'course that is how Washington works.
I think that he wants to make nice with "zero" so he can keep his cushy committee appointments. He is a rino with no allegiance to the @nd Amendment.

Until 13 years ago, I lived in PA all my life. I wrote Specter several times in the 80s and early 90s regarding pending gun control legislation. At that time, he replied with two page letters outlining his opposition to gun control measures based on his experiences while a U.S. Attorney. It may have been drafted by a staffer, but I doubt it, based on its content and tone.

Granted, he typically votes along liberal lines. And, maybe he has turned a different direction from his past stances. But, like any politician facing a majority of the other party, he needs communication and support from his constituency. Keep up the pressure. It may be that the form letters started because of so many letters from the people, thus precluding him from answering each one personally.

We here in Colorado have our own problems. Our newly elected senator is an unabashed liberal from Boulder (ten square miles surrounded by reality, as we like to say here), and our newly appointed senator came from the Denver Public School system administration (how much qualification can that be?). I am increasingly of the opinion that the Montana citizens are the ones with proper perspective on things. See www.progunleaders.org.
The only bullet Spectorman ever liked was the Magic Bullet. He got that one wrong, too, but at least it WAS the right bullet.
The sorry sob also voted with the Democrats on the stimulus give-away. He's as bad as our RINO sen. Mc cain, who also voted yea for holder.
Yes, I know. After that one, I sent Specter a letter telling him he might as well switch parties. I said I was so upset with him, that I would vote for a hardcore liberal Democrat just to get him out of office...

Either way, keep up the heat on this clown. Let him know you'll be voting Democrat just to vote against him. Maybe he'll switch so we can get a real pro-gunner. And please, don't take this for a political post. I'm asking people to keep the heat on Specter. With any luck, we can get somewhere with this RINO. He may be in name only, but he has got to understand that screwing Pennsylvanians on Second Amendment rights is a quick way to ensure he'll be making french fries for a living :)
Just got off an email to his office, to wit:

Dear Senator Specter,

I learned with dismay that you voted "Yea" concerning Eric Holder's confirmation.

I do hope that you will keep in mind that the 2ND amendment is not Mr. Holder's favorite amendment, and will now work diligently to preserve our rights under said amendment, not only to prevent further encroachment, but work pro-actively to reverse previous legislation which restricts in any way our 2ND amendment rights.


Suprise. Specter voted "Yea"........

Suprise. Specter voted "Yea"........to:

Wicker Amendment to Federal Budget: Senate Amendment 798, an amendment to the Budget bill, was offered by U.S. Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) and supported by NRA-ILA. The purpose of the amendment is to ensure that law-abiding Amtrak passengers are allowed to securely transport firearms in their checked baggage. The measure prohibits funds from being appropriated to Amtrak unless firearms are allowed in checked baggage on Amtrak trains. The Senate passed this amendment on Thursday, April 2, by a vote of 63-35.
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