TYT: Most horrible segment against gun owners that I have EVER seen

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Dec 21, 2012
Prepare to be offended.


Edit: then of course I found this one:


Apparently even college students who are trying to get an education are all irresponsible partyers who don't deserve the right to protect themselves. Did a gun-free zone stop Virginia Tech? TYT are the same clowns that kept attacking Todd Akin for his "legitimate rape" comments, and now they don't want rape victims to protect themselves. That's REALLY classy...
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Shortly after the Colorado shooting I was flipping through the chanels and thought I'd listen to a what this guy had to say. Typical blowhard who has no clue about firearms trying to convince you they're evil. And that anyone who owns an "assualt rifle" will eventually get pissed off and try to shoot someone with it. And then the typical you don't need an AR15 to hunt deer routine.
Yes, altering your voice to do a bad impersonation, and then using all personal opinion without reporting any fact. Even with the low standard of media today, this is extremely low brow.
This is just some stupid "online show" that's attempting to be parleyed into something profitable (an unlikely occurrence), not something that's broadcast. Pretty much just some goofballs spouting their opinion on a youtube video. The only difference is these two had their parents buy them a desk and a big screen they put a picture of a flag on. I'm guess they're both hoping to still get something out of those communications degrees...
I once watched something by the young turks, and could not eat lunch that day as the bile in my throat get bubbling up.

Since then, I have learned my lesson, and no longer will watch anything produced by these fools.
Seriously, this buffoonery represents on - line news? Really? Really?
Did the Keystone Cops represent police?
Were Abbott & Costello ever able to determine who was on first?
Good grief.................................................................
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