U.S. Gov't - When is enough, enough?

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For decades, people have wondered how the Germans could standby and allow Hitler & the Nazis to do what they did. The answer is that they allowed the Nazis to gradually erode their rights with the belief it was necessary for their protection. By the time they realized what was going on, it was too late.

The truth is, that transition was lubricated almost entirely by greed. germany was essentially bankrupt and unemployment was universal and their rate of inflation was about 1000% each month. They needed a wheelbarrow to carry enough money to buy bread (no exagerration). The Nazi party advoctad strong government, protectionism, and most of all: blame evrything on the jews. That was the song the public wanted to hear... elect me and I'll fix the economy and give you a job. And, it's not our fault: our perfect Aryan country was infiltrated and destroyed by a sub-human race.

As to why most people went along with it, the answer is : indifference. The vast majority won't do jack until something bad happens to them and they just kept quiet. It didn't hurt that their generation was also raised and grown on the warped pseudo-science where they had "proven" their race was superior. When the propoganda succeeeds in lowering a group to sub-human level, the general population will ignore any atrocity done to them.
Interesting thread.

One of the problems is that very few people understand what would be entailed should the SHTF.

Let’s say the SHTF and the government becomes tyrannical. Time to oil that AR-15, right? But what are you going to do? What is your plan? Are you going to grab your rifle, storm out the door, let out a warrior yell, and start fighting the tyranny machine? Such would be a stupid, short-sighted, and naïve plan. And a sure way to get yourself killed. Which will be bad, because you can’t fight tyranny if you’re laying in the morgue.

If you want to know what to do, if you want a plan, then all you have to do is open the history books. And when you open the history books you will find (surprise surprise) that other people have been in the same situation. Indeed, there are people who have fought tyranny as a result of an outside invading force (China in the 1930’s, for example) and there are people who have fought the tyranny of their own government. And how did they fight? How did they win? Did each pissed-off citizen storm out their front door with rifle in hand? No. They won through guerrilla warfare. They became organized, they became political, and they fought for the long haul. They also operated in an environment where a significant percentage of the common citizenry was on their side.

This last point is extremely important, as guerrilla warfare will not work if the common citizenry is not on the side of the freedom fighters.

Do you see a problem here? I do. Because I’m not sure if the common citizenry is on our side. For proof, just look at the way the average citizen votes. They vote for more socialism, more government spending, less liberty, bigger government, and more government intrusion. If the average citizen in this country does not want freedom, then we are guaranteed to lose any “freedom fight.â€

So my point is this: No matter how much tyranny is inflicted upon us, a violent confrontation will not work if “the people†are not on our side.
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