Unreported Slaughter

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Jan 4, 2012
Loveland, Colorado
I read yesterday that there were 500 homicides in Chicago last year. The story was about a young girl who in the President's coronation/inauguration ceremony who was shot and killed by a gang banger with a pistol in a park about a mile from Obama house in Chicago. Why aren't the deaths of 500 people annually in a gun free zone headline news in our media? Better yet would be to break down the numbers to see how many of these homicides were committed with AR's, AK's or with rifles using 20 or 30 round magazines, or how many of the weapons were purchased at a gun show. Things like this just make me want to bite nails.... :banghead: The media is too busy throwing gasoline on the propaganda fires to report the actual news.:fire:
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I was listening to this on the radio this morning.
They talked all about it, the tragedy, the death of a child...etc...then mentioned NOTHING about how restrictive the gun laws are in Chicago.
They did mention how the gun seizures per capita in Chicago is 5-6x that of New York. Guess those gun laws really keep the guns out of criminal hands, eh?
One source mentioned 7500 "confiscations" in Chicago last year.
Why? Someone had to be breaking the law right?
If so, Why weren't 7500 "violators" punished?
The sad fact is that your death doesn't matter unless:

A - you are famous and the TV stations can generate ratings off your death

B - you are killed in a large group that can be sensationalized by the media for ratings and that politicians can use as a vehicle to achieve their policy goals

Outside of that your death matters only to your friends and family.
Welcome to the state controlled media. They have no morals anymore.

They're the enemy. The media is the enemy of every right-thinking, honest American who wishes to earn a living, worship God, keep what they earn, and raise their children without fear.

Here's some sobering statistics (approximating). 89% of all persons who call themselves "journalists" are registered Democrats. A full 90% voted for Obama in 2012. 90 PERCENT!! You would think then that the remaining 10-11% are Republicans? But you'd be wrong, a full 5% associate with political parties on the far leftward realm of the political spectrum. That's about 94-95% of ALL mainstream journalists who side against us in the gun argument (and in just about every other argument). 94-95 PERCENT!!!!!!!

Pat Caddell, former Democratic polster, recently called today's journalists what they really are: TRAITORS. Our brilliant Founding Fathers ensured through the First Amendment that the press would remain free. That way, the press could never become a tool of the government, which could use the press to slowly subjugate the People...a powerful tool indeed. But amazingly, the press has VOLUNTARILY sided with a certain political perspective, and have VOLUNTARILY CHOSEN to become the tool of those who hate us. Repeat to yourself everyday: "Journalists are traitors. Journalists are traitors. Journalists are traitors....." Never listen to them....never.
I was listening to this on the radio this morning.
They talked all about it, the tragedy, the death of a child...etc...then mentioned NOTHING about how restrictive the gun laws are in Chicago.
They did mention how the gun seizures per capita in Chicago is 5-6x that of New York. Guess those gun laws really keep the guns out of criminal hands, eh?

bet it was the same place I heard it this morning, NPR. Wedged between a story about they guy in the buker in Alabama and yesterdays senate hearings with the emotional anti gun testimony from a father (but no mention of any dissenting view).
They're the enemy. The media is the enemy of every right-thinking, honest American who wishes to earn a living, worship God, keep what they earn, and raise their children without fear.

Here's some sobering statistics (approximating). 89% of all persons who call themselves "journalists" are registered Democrats. A full 90% voted for Obama in 2012. 90 PERCENT!! You would think then that the remaining 10-11% are Republicans? But you'd be wrong, a full 5% associate with political parties on the far leftward realm of the political spectrum. That's about 94-95% of ALL mainstream journalists who side against us in the gun argument (and in just about every other argument). 94-95 PERCENT!!!!!!!

Seriously. These blanket statements are getting old and starting to grate. Do you even have a source for those statistics?
If you want me to believe that every republican or conservative news outlet is a beacon of truth, I'm afraid Fox news predicting overwhelming landslide victories for Romney killed that little dream.
MSNBC is garbage and highly biased. No doubt.
But so is pretty much every conservative media outlet, to the same degree.
Media is the enemy, I won't argue that. Of all types.
It's a damn shame that I trust what comes out of Pravda before I'll trust anything the US media says.
The interesting thing about the girl who was killed is they think she was shot with a revolver. Most articles seem to be trying to tie her death in with the gun ban, though. But they fail to mention that the weapon used isn't one that would be banned. Big surprise....
So they confiscated 7500 guns from law breaking people, Does that mean 7500 people were sentenced to prison for years? Where is the investagative news reporting for this? Didnt they want to throw some ex marine in jail in new york for trying to figure out how to legally possess a gun in the city or something? jim
"silicosys4" "If you want me to believe that every republican or conservative news outlet is a beacon of truth, I'm afraid Fox news predicting overwhelming landslide victories for Romney killed that little dream." Thats all you got on Fox. They predicted an election wrong.
There have been 42 homicides in Chicago THIS year. In fact, one of the young ladies who sang at Obie's inauguration was shot and killed last weekend.

When will the popular media consensus learn that the statistical reality in Illinois (and DC for that matter) is unaffected by their frothy emotional appeal? Wow.
It is a sad state of affairs that i have found reports by Al Jazeera often are more complete, fair and balanced than those by CBS, ABC or NBC. My motto has become, don't trust, always verify. And find sources that aren't simply quoting each other.
On the CBS national news this evening they compared NY to Chicago. NY has 1/3 of the murders as Chicago, the reason, according to CBS, NY has a mandidory jail time of 5 years for a crime with a gun (with no parole), Chicago, over 33% are court dismissed, then ple-bargining and minium jail time.
It's just amazing to me that Illinois and Chicago in particular are not front and center as the biggest examples that taking guns away from the law-abiding is a complete failure and does not make people safer or prevent crime.

How is this just ignored or glossed over in the media and by politicians?
9mmare nailed it.....it is truly absurd that the place has not gathered more attention from our side.
Anything you see or hear on TV is a lie. No I'm not being a nutcase. Everyone has different areas of expertise. Have you ever heard a story where you were a subject matter expert that was reported completely accurately? I haven't.
The news media in general has never been a fountain of truth in my experience. During a 22 years career in law enforcement nothing, repeat nothing I was ever involved in was accurately reported (and I don't just mean the names were mis-spelled I mean the entire story was so inaccurate you wondered where they made it up....). Add the current obvious political bias and you'll be left behind the curve in every sense.

This is probably a misquoute but I believe Mark Twain is supposed to have said that if you don't read a newspaper you're uninformed... but if you do read a newspaper you're mis-informed.... and so it goes.
You see only one kind of story on any given TV news broadcast: the kind that can be used to further the agenda of whoever holds the controlling interest in the company that produces that broadcast.

Anything that can't be presented in a way that furthers their agenda does not air, period.
There is the old media, ABC,NBC,CBS, New York Times, Washington Post, AP, Reuters, and most newspapers. They are the MSM, and they have an agenda, the regressive agenda. (they call it progressive, but it regresses us back before the rule of law, when the ruling elite do what they want). They are about 75% of the media. They do not even believe in truth, and they believe that anything is allowed if it advances the agenda.

Then you have the new media. The new media is mixed. Talk radio is mostly conservative. The internet is probably about 60 percent conservative. Fox news is new media, it is about 50 percent conservative.

Overall, conservatives/limited government /constitutionalists have about 15 to 20 percent of the total media.
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