"Unusual footage caught on stealthcam"

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thats fred eichler he's the host of easton's bow hunting on the outdoor channel and a hunting guide/outfitter from colorado. pretty well respected guy in the hunting industry.

i'll put it this way, if fred told me the clip is real thats good enough for me.
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Anybody see the thing on (I think) the Discovery Channel about Bigfoot?

Some scientist dudes went to northern Canada where there have been numerous sightings over the years. Set out specifically to find these if they exist. Got blood and hair samples and checked DNA. Nothing ever found on earth matches the DNA and hair. DNA falls between african primates and humans.

Testing was done by one of the leading labs in the world.
For those that don't know, a stealthcam is a model of game camera that works by motion sensor activation.

i'll put it this way, if fred told me the tape is real thats good enough for me.

Sure, the 'tape' (its all digital done on SD card, no tape involved) may be real enough, but Fred wasn't in control of who was jerking his chain and wearing the gorilla suit. Fred may just be another prank victim.

The whole thing gets even hokier when you click on the link they provided for more information and it doesn't provide you information. Why would that be?

The whole thing gets even hokier when you click on the link they provided for more information and it doesn't provide you information. Why would that be
that was added by who ever posted it to you tube. the original clip is on easton bowhunting tv site and that click the link isn't there.

bottom line is what i know of fred eichler, if he say's there is a pink hippo in the front yard i'm gonna get my camera. i have never known the man to lie about anything.
seems to me that it could easily be a trespassing hunter or someone else wearing clothes enough to keep warm...silly
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bottom line is what i know of fred eichler, if he say's there is a pink hippo in the front yard i'm gonna get my camera. i have never known the man to lie about anything.

This isn't an issue about Fred's credibility or honesty. Nobody has said he was dishonest. So since you know Fred, is he telling you that he has a bonafide Bigfoot or is he telling you his camera caught 9 frames of something that could be a bigfoot creature, if said creature actually exists.

Just because a person does not lie does not mean that the information they pass on is factual. Honest people make mistakes, misinterpretations, etc. Mistakes and misinterpretations don't make them liars.

Heck, I will believe him if he says he believes it is bigfoot. I won't believe it is bigfoot, but I will believe that he believes it is. Just because he believes it doesn't make it reality either.

Since Fred did not have the area controlled where the video was shot, he can't state for certain what is in the image is an actual Bigfoot, a guy in a gorilla suit, or a space alien. He sure as heck isn't an expert in bigfoots. In all actuality, nobody is. There are supposed 'experts' who know about the phenomena reported as pertaining to bigfoot, but if you can't actually produce a bigfoot, then how can you be an expert. There isn't actual, known proof of their existence.
Pretty Freaki Tiki! I bellowed when I saw it. But, You may be right. Someone bundled up or similar. But now to keep this gun related....

What kind of gun would be required to take out BigJerk? If a yetti broke into your house at night, what would you do? What can be considered the "best" anti-saskwatch bullets available (or what I like to call Sas-Squish rounds)?
no fred says he doesn't know what it was.just that the clip was real,not staged,or a hoax etc.
but it's not a bear

btw, i haven't talk to him in 20yrs. he hasn't told me anything directly. all i'm saying is he said on the clip it scared him and he couldn't say what it was . i believe him
no fred says he doesn't know what it was.just that the clip was real,not staged,or a hoax etc.

This is the sort of mistake or misinterpretation I am talking about. Fred wasn't there. Since he wasn't there, how can he know if somebody hoaxed him or not? He can't, and by his own admission, he doesn't know what is on the image other than to say it isn't a bear. I don't think it was a bear either.

Since the creature isn't identifiable from the 9 frames of the camera and since nobody saw the creature in real life, then nobody can say for certain what the circumstances were that resulted in the thing caught on camera including whether or not it was natural or fabricated.
i wanna know who else knew the camera was there

if someone with a good sense of humor found it on a walk they might be screwing with him
Could it simply be the back side of a bear's head?

The old saying is that when your hear hoofbeats think horses not zebras. And he stated he was in bear country.
Stealth cam

He has found Carl Rove! Yeah, I think some one be messing with him. We are gonna need more pics.
if someone with a good sense of humor found it on a walk they might be screwing with him

Right - cause we all know there are people just walking around the interior of Alaska like it's my back yard! :rolleyes:

I am wit the group who says - if Fred says its the yetti and he is solid about the fact its not really anyone fing with him - then I believe him.

Not to say it can't be a prank - but lets be honest folks, In a bear camp in Alaska - its not like you run across people out hunting like you do back home here.
Why I don't think it's bigfoot.

First, I'd like there to be bigfoot, yeti, Lock Ness Monster, etc. How cool would that all be? But, there's too much angularity to the outline, more like clothing such as insulated overalls. The shoulders are too square, more like padded clothing than a natural slope to shoulders. There are no visible hands, kinda like somewone wearing gloves and a coat can obscure the hands. The head seems to be a basketball shape on top of the body, no discernable neck. Kinda like a hood.

I've never seen bigfoot or bigfoot tracks, but I personally know two people who swear they've seen it alive and moving. One is someone I trust to know what he's seeing, the other not so much. Both were in the same area, but at different times of the year and different years.
Well, I will say this, a buddy of mine has a friend who owns some rural land where there has been "sightings"

When I first heard this tale, my initial comment was that we should build some big plywood feet and go walk around on his property.

That was our immediate response.

If this guy has friends like mine, this is just the type of gag they will lay awake nights and spend money on to pull off. My advice is to look no further than the friend who knows where the camera is strapped.
Personally, as much as I'd like to imagine there is a Bigfoot, I sincerely doubt there is.

Simply put, how would a 400lb man-monkey conceal itself completely from civilization for over half a century? Sure, a few people have put up videos of the alleged creature, but no one has EVER produced a bone, body, live specim, or even a quality video of the beast.

And, if this was a viable creature, it would require a viable breeding population to survive. The odds of this entire civilization of creatures going completely undetected by any official means seems highly suspect.

This isn't to say that there are not elusive creatures in our woods/mountains. Mountain lions are certainly in Colorado, even if they are only rarely seen... Regardless, they have been seen (they've been photographed, hunted, hit by cars, and attacked people too). Same would go for a wolverine.

Yet, where is definitive proof of Bigfoot? It simply doesn't exist, except in our imaginations. To me, that video was clearly a person, and the author of the video never claimed anything to the contrary.

On the other hand, perhaps I'm just a cynic with no imagination?
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