Update on Fast & Furious

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Oct 21, 2005


Federal official in Arizona to plead the fifth and not answer questions on 'furious'

By William La Jeunesse

Published January 20, 2012

| FoxNews.com

The chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona is refusing to testify before Congress regarding Operation Fast and Furious, the federal gun-running scandal that sent U.S. weapons to Mexico.

Patrick J. Cunningham informed the House Oversight Committee late Thursday through his attorney that he will use the Fifth Amendment protection.

How will this end?

Mostly likely nothing will happen to anyone and if it does, it will be some lower level guy taking the fall.

The OP news item got tacked onto the end of that incredibly long thread on A.G. Holder also...

I found the last statement in the article compelling:

This schism is the first big break in what has been a unified front in the government’s defense of itself in the gun-running scandal. Cunningham claims he is a victim of a conflict between two branches of government and will not be compelled to be a witnesses against himself, and make a statement that could be later used by a grand jury or special prosecutor to indict him on criminal charges.

I think Cunningham is right.

If you are questioned about anything at all by any government agency or body, there's it rarely helps you to answer them. It's this guy's business to land convictions, he's got a pretty good idea what he should be doing right about now.

At least if I were engaged in multiple felonies, I wouldn't want to talk to anyone either, no matter what my job was.
I think it will probably be another thing held onto until after the next election. With so many of the brass involved, right up to the potus, I think they are trying to hold on until they get (they hope, I hope not) a stronger political position.

They have the right, and ability, to remain silent.
They have the right, and ability, to remain silent.
Oh, they absolutely have the right -- just like the Solyndra crooks, I mean, executives...

Of course, taking the Fifth is not an admission of guilt -- but it does provide greater strength to the suspicion and narrative that the folks at ATF, DOJ, and above, have something to hide.

Looks to me as if Eric Holder might be wise to take the fifth this week.

New emails show how Fast and Furious news spread through DOJ

Justice officials sent the documents to Congress late Friday evening, only a few days before Attorney General Eric Holder is set to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

The email messages show the former top federal prosecutor in Arizona, Dennis Burke, notifying an aide to Holder via email on Dec. 15, 2010 that agent Brian Terry had been wounded and died. "Tragic," responds the aide, Monty Wilkinson. "I've alerted the AG, the acting Deputy Attorney General..."

Yet another solid reason to doubt that Eric Holder was truthful in testifying to Congress that he learned about this scandal through the media in late Spring. He knew about the program and the attempted coverup from the beginning.
I think trying to fight it while still holding the office is a great way to eliminate all of your credibility and reduce colleague's respect for you. He should have resigned as soon as this became an issue and taken a job in the private sector, now he may very well be disbarred and indicted.

I don't think people in his position play by the same rules in court as the rest of us though. He's probably safe.
Well if the Committee offers him immunity from prosecution he may be compelled to testify or be found in Contempt of Congress. Thus he and some others may be about to jump from the frying pan into the fire.

Couldn’t happen to nicer people… :evil:
Let's hope so, Old Fuff. All it takes to start a rock slide is one loose stone.
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