USA: "Clark favors gun safety locks"

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Dec 24, 2002
Looking for a cow that Queen Meadhbh stole
from the Politics NH sites
Clark favors gun safety locks


DURHAM , Oct. 29 – Wrapping up a two day trip through New Hampshire on Wednesday, retired General Wesley Clark said he favored safety locks on firearms as a general principle though he said he needed to review the situation more before he would make any specific suggestions on how, if elected president, he plans to mandate such an action.

Clark said guns were always in his house while growing up in Arkansas , but he never touched them because his father warned they were always loaded. And even during a 35 year career in the military he said he always stored guns in an “arms room†away from his son.

“My son was never exposed to guns back then because I didn’t believe it was necessary and I don’t believe it now,†Clark said.

Clark gave these remarks in answer to a question at the Every Child Matters presidential candidate forums at the University of New Hampshire . At the same forum he also said he was “concerned†about the federal No Child Left Behind education act because the standards were to “narrow†on the items tested and the penalties “too tough†for public schools. He also reiterated his health care plan mandating all children receive health insurance, a plan he announced Tuesday on the same university campus.

The issue of guns has emerged as more of an issue in the presidential race in coming weeks as many question how the different Democratic candidates handle the issue. Some Democats have argued that Al Gore's tough stance on gun control was the reason he lost states like West Virginia and his home state of Tennessee.

Front-runner Howard Dean says he favors local control when it comes to gun laws while John Kerry said he favors strict control.

<snipped> non-gun stuff

James Pindell can be reached at
[email protected]
So, let's see: Dean sucks, Kerry really sucks, and Clark isn't quite sure how badly he wants to suck yet, but is hiring a team of experts to look into it.

Does that pretty much sum up these Dem hopefuls? :uhoh:
Clark said guns were always in his house while growing up in Arkansas , but he never touched them because his father warned they were always loaded.
I was born and raised in AR, all guns always loaded. NOT Warned,but educated about gun safety. I had a loaded gun next to me since since birth, no gun locks, no gun safes...I turned out allright.
Of course I recall a former Pres from my state whom also was a Rhode scholar...
Seems as if we need a "suck-o-meter" any given day the readings change.
It's all a game of semantics for them..How to be antigun, without sounding like you are. Personally I would be more inclined to look favorably on someone who could look me in the eye and tell me he didn't believe I had a right to own a firearm then I can anyone from any party who wants to talk around the issue.

I am the same way about freedom as the president claims to be on the WOT. You're either with me or against me. You believe in the 2d Amendment or you don't. It's that simple.

What does one expect when you have former Clintonista devils whispering in Clark's ear? Expect more stupid statements from him in the future.
Clark isn't quite sure how badly he wants to suck yet, but is hiring a team of experts to look into it.
Tamara -- you owe me one keyboard please. :D

“My son was never exposed to guns back then because I didn’t believe it was necessary and I don’t believe it now,†Clark said.
He mentions not wanting to teach his son about firearms safety while giving a talk on educating children.:rolleyes:
One almost feels bad (almost that is!) for this guy. He has to SOUND just anti-gun enough to not put off the die-hard Marxist vote, BUT he also needs to appeal to pro-gun guys with a Marlin behind the front seat. Sucks to be a Democrat running for president.
retired General Wesley Clark said he favored safety locks on firearms as a general principle though he said he needed to review the situation more before he would make any specific suggestions on how, if elected president, he plans to mandate such an action.

I'd suspend judgement. He is in effect saying "I'll get back to you once I know more about it". What's wrong with that? It's probably not a big issue for him one way or another. When you're ignorant about a particular issue - and we're all ignorant about something or another - the right thing to do is to do a little research and form conclusions in accordance with your principles rather than take an immediate, ill-informed stand.

The article said "as a general principle". I'm in favor of securing your firearms as a general principle, but I don't favor requiring everyone to have a $2000 gun safe.
And how do they plan to do this without violating (not that it matters) the 4th amendment?
Issues of legality, authority or constitutionality do not even cross their minds except when their laywer speaks up and says "Uhh..I don't think we can do that." and then is promptly ignored.

Trigger locks are the worst gun-safety device I can imagine. Nothing like a 'safety' lock that lets you load the gun, chamber a round, disengage the safety and then has something stuck in the trigger guard. :rolleyes:

- Gabe
When you're ignorant about a particular issue - and we're all ignorant about something or another - the right thing to do is to do a little research and form conclusions in accordance with your principles rather than take an immediate, ill-informed stand.

I'll agree that one shouldn't be giving off the cuff policy statements, but isn't "I'll have to think on that" Clark's answer to everything? Its almost like he wants to check with the spin doctors before he issues any proclamations. ("Mary, help!).

Wasn't he supposed to be formulating his stances in the months and months he was said to be pondering running?

Shouldn't matter to me, actually, as I won't be voting for him.
Speaking of Dean: Did anyone else hear his comment that he said he was a "metrosexual"...what a dumb ****. :rolleyes:
Clark never "exposed" his children to guns? So, he raised his son to be a victim and a slave? Just the kind of President the Democrats, a party of victims and slaves, want.:uhoh:

I don't think we have to worry about being "exposed" to the Clinton stalking horse much longer. McGovern will get the nod.

Dan, so McGovern's a straight guy who wants to be gay? Talking about pandering to his base!:D
Speaking of Dean

And later in the same interview he stated he didn't know the definition of metrosexual. Another Clinton in the making.

Clark never "exposed" his children to guns?

How exactly could a person raise their children on military bases and not expose them to guns?
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