Utah man shoots toilet @ Carl's jr.

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Well, if he'd have stayed away from Carl's Junior, he probably couldn't have avoided the bathroom emergency, too - good thing no one was hurt.

Gotta love these 'and it just went off' stories. Modern handguns are drop safe, so you gotta know it's ye olde "trying to catch it on the way down and pulled the trigger" bit at work here.
A client of mine had a small semi-automatic pistol fall out of his waistband when he dropped trou, then fall out of his pants when he hoisted them back up. He fumbled for it, bobbled it, and it fell into the bowl with a splash as he stood up. Not a fun cleaning job.
1. Is a Kahr PM40 on California's safe handgun list? If it is, there is no possible way that it could have went off when dropped, because California government says it can't.

2. I usually unholster mine before doing business and discretely place it between my feet and the toilet, try to get in a stall next to the wall and point muzzle towards the wall.
Bad enough that he had to explain strange loud noises emanating from the men's room. But all the dirty water running out, maybe under the door into the restaurant? With his luck he probably walked right into the janitor on his way out.
Great, another half-true story that promotes to the gun-fearing public that guns just 'go off'.

A reasonably smart, educated adult hears this kind of story enough times and BAM, you got a programmed hopolophobe convinced guns 'just go off' :banghead:

This guy is lucky lucky lucky, and he gets no pity from me.

Jesus crys when people tell lies.:)
No one has asked what happened to the round once it destroyed the john...

I will never be able to go into the head again without wondering if the guy next to me is pointed in a safe direction.
I'm not much at forensics, but looking at the picture, seems like the bullet went from the lower left to upper right (seen facing the thing). If he's right handed I guess it could have hit the floor on that side and discharged. He's lucky he wasn't injured.
I'm gonna go with the "he fumbled with it pulling the trigger" theory or perhaps he was just fondling it when he shouldn't have been.

I'm pretty sure a Kahr is about as drop safe, especially from the height we'd be talking in this situation, as a Glock or any other modern gun.

There's more to the story than what he's admitting.
Caliber would depend on toilet model. For a "low flow" 3-gallon flush type of the sort found in McMansions, I'd say a .38 Special is more than adequate stopping power to take out the works. For a commercial grade or "old school" 5-gallon flush type, I'd prefer at least a .45ACP. Now if we're talking a wall-mounted 13 gallon flush model of the sort found in old Italian restaurants, I'll pack my .44 Magnum.
Oh, This is at Carl Jr's.
I thought this was the BR at Plexico Burress's house.
I think they used the same CCW instructor. :neener:
Well... did he at least flush?

Poor guy.... I feel bad. He must be so ashamed and embarassed.

I will never be able to go into the head again without wondering if the guy next to me is pointed in a safe direction.

Trust me... you have worse things to worry about. People like me for example with Crohns or Ulcerative Colitis. I have been known to cause bathroom evacuations in both the US and France (seriously, you don't even want to know what happened in France, but that toilet will never be the same again).
It wasn't the Kahr - it was the Carl's.

On a sober note - how many of us use a waist band holster with some kind of thumbstrap retention? And, if you do have to do the #2, are you going to lay down your firearm on the floor - it could be seen, you add to the risk of mishandling it, and is the floor really that clean?

Note to younger guys - don't plan on much notice as you get older. Fumbling on the hurry up gets worse with age.

Which brings up - when did the shot go off, starting or finishing?

Curious trashy minds want to know. :rolleyes:
Personally I think he's a liar and accidentally pulled the trigger while playing with it.

Modern firearms just don't "go off" when you drop them. If it WAS a Kahr then modern double action only firearms REALLY don't just "go off" when dropped.
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