VA gov vetos pro-gun bill, House fails to override

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Feb 24, 2003
Member Hal Macklin attended the veto session of the Legislature today and
reported to me the results of what happened to the three remaining gun bills that
were still up in the air.

As you know, HB 1106, Delegate Athey's bill to allow handgun to be
locked in a container or compartment within a person's reach, had
been vetoed.

Delegate Armstrong, who voted anti-gun on this bill, misstated
Virginia law when he addressed the Floor, implying that the bill
didn't change current law. YES IT DOES. Not in a huge way, but it
was a step forward.

Fortunately Delegate Morgan Griffith spoke up and set the Floor
straight on Virginia law.

The veto override FAILED to get enough votes. 67 votes were needed
in the House and only 61 Delegates voted to override that veto.

Here are the Delegates who voted against Virginia gun owners. If any
of these are your Delegate, contact him or her and politely let him
or her know your feelings on his or her vote (all we needed was FIVE
of these people to vote correctly - and there are at least that many
who should have done so). Many of these are Democrats who consider
not embarrassing the Governor to be more important than your right to
self-defense. Others are Republicans who don't understand their own
party platform. That niggling 'freedom thing' is not clearly
understood by both Democrats and Republicans on this list:

Alexander, Amundson, Armstrong, BaCote, Barlow, Brink, Bulova,
Caputo, Dance, Ebbin, Eisenberg, Englin, Hall, Howell, A.T., Hull,
Jones, D.C., Lewis, Marsden, McClellan, McEachin, Melvin, Miller,
Moran, Plum, Poisson, Rust, Scott, J.M., Shannon, Sickles, Spruill,
Toscano, Tyler, Valentine, Ward, Ware, O., Watts

Here are those who voted correctly and should be thanked for doing so:

Abbitt, Albo, Athey, Bell, Bowling, Byron, Callahan, Carrico, Cline,
Cole, Cosgrove, Cox, Crockett-Stark, Dudley, Fralin, Frederick, Gear,
Gilbert, Griffith, Hamilton, Hargrove, Hogan, Hurt, Iaquinto, Ingram,
Janis, Joannou, Johnson, Jones, S.C., Kilgore, Landes, Lingamfelter,
Lohr, Marshall, D.W., Marshall, R.G., May, McQuigg, Morgan, Nixon,
Nutter, O'Bannon, Oder, Orrock, Peace, Phillips, Purkey, Putney,
Rapp, Reid, Saxman, Scott, E.T., Sherwood, Shuler, Suit, Tata,
Waddell, Wardrup, Ware, R.L., Welch, Wittman, Mr. Speaker
This new Dem governor looks like he's going to be a thorn in our side.
This new Dem governor looks like he's going to be a thorn in our side.
Hardly a surprise. What's surprising, and disappointing, is the spineless "conservatives" who switched sides and voted against overturning the veto. At least my Delegate (Scott Lingamfelter) stuck to his guns. :p

Agree, this is a surprise to no one who paid the least bit of attention to Governor Weasel before he was elected. He was like that as Lt. Governor, he was like that as mayor, he was like that as a city councilman...

But what surprises me is that the vote failed in the House. There was a veto-proof majority on passage there, what happened? At least in the Senate failure would have been par for the course. At least Janis voted the right way, I wasn't happy about voting for him but this eases the pain a bit.
desperate housewives

So who are these legislators listening to?

The suburban soccer moms who are more afraid of their husband having a gun than a criminal on the prowl?

Who's got the key votes and why? Get to the heart of the matter.

It's a good thing that VA Libertarians voted their hopes, not their fears...:rolleyes:

This Democrat is busy advancing a libertarian agenda, unlike the scary Rethuglicans, as a big "thank you" to those who helped him get in.
Note to self:
Buy more guns.
Good thing I got my permit to to carry a concealed handgun when I did.
I just got here and it's time to move.
New lefty govener, no CLEO sign offs on ATF form 1 and 4 around here. No our door places to shoot. But I get buy.
It does beat the crap out of living Japan :barf: .
I just got here and it's time to move.

Oh, don't count us out yet. This moron is limited to one term and, because the very first thing he did upon swearing in was to propose massive tax increases, he will fade into oblivion once his term is done.
As I've stated several times, the good people of Virginia need to be very vigilant and not take it for granted that the Commonwealth is solidly pro-gun.

All of those new houses up and down the Shenandoah Valley aren't being bought by native Virginians. They are being bought by refugees from Maryland, New jersey and New York. They will bring their anti-gun infection with them.
Sadly, you're probably right, Norton. What I'm seeing is a lot of Northern Virginians nearing retirement age buying second homes 'way out in the country/shore and bringing their Fairfax attitudes with them. The natives are awestruck, and I think bad blood will develop between the two species. And I'll be right there with the good guys.

In the grand scheme of things, this gun bill is a non-issue - this year at least - and got caught in the crossfire and animosity.

There is so much fighting going on over the state budget, and we still don't have a budget agreement in the General Assembly, that everything else is pretty much being ignored or traded for budget votes of some sort.

They raised taxes 1+ Billion dollars last time. We now have a SURPLUS of over a Billion (the state runs on about $12 Billion a year IIRC.) The Governor wants to raise taxes another Billion to fund transportation improvements. AND THE FIGHT IS ON. They're past the deadline, they're barely talking, and there is no budget in sight.


Some month-old article I googled up:

"RICHMOND - So vibrant is Virginia's economy that the state government has a record $1.4 billion budget surplus.

Yet Gov. Timothy M. Kaine and a majority of the state Senate want to raise taxes to build roads.

The two seemingly conflicting developments underlie a fierce battle in the General Assembly this spring over how to address Virginia's transportation woes.

The Senate's demand for new taxes and the House of Delegate's refusal to go along because Virginia is awash with cash forced the General Assembly to adjourn March 11 without approving a state budget."
In the grand scheme of things, this gun bill is a non-issue - this year at least - and got caught in the crossfire and animosity.
Not exactly, John. The various gun bills got discussed, passed, vetoed; then a re-vote failed to override the veto.

I do agree that the consideration of the gun bills was not high on everybody's list in Richmond--we gunnies tend to obsess over such things--because of the left-right animosity in the Old Dominion right now (not unlike the rest of the USA).

Hardly a surprise. What's surprising, and disappointing, is the spineless "conservatives" who switched sides and voted against overturning the veto. At least my Delegate (Scott Lingamfelter) stuck to his guns.

We'll get those invertebrates next election cycle.
"then a re-vote failed to override the veto."

Because they were too busy trading votes, moaning and groaning over their inability to pass a budget, and packing to leave town before the mobs-with-pitchforks got to them for being an embarrassment to the Commonwealth. :)

what a bunch of jerks!!!

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