VA - Sen Warner goes with Feinstein & Schumer - read it and start yelling.

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Grab your airsick bag, here's Warner in the senate yesterday (source) :

... Ten years of experience provides us with key facts. The Assault Weapons Ban has helped to dramatically reduce the number of crimes using assault weapons. It has made America's streets safer, and it has protected the rights of law abiding gun-owners better than many of us predicted. In fact, the law explicitly protects 670 hunting and recreational rifles.

Moreover, we all know that the world has dramatically changed since that Senate vote in 1993. September 11, 2001, has forever changed our country and has taught us many lessons.

No longer is America protected by the great oceans. The war on terror is not only being fought abroad, but now here at home. September 11 showed us that terrorism lurks in the shadows of our own backyard. Given the world today, now is not the time to make it easier for terrorists to acquire deadly rapid fire assault weapons and use them in our neighborhoods.

Now, over my 25 years plus in the United States Senate, I have always tried to stand up for what is right, regardless of politics. I believe that is why the good people of the Commonwealth of Virginia have given me their trust and elected me to represent them in the United States Senate for five terms.

I know that reauthorizing the Assault Weapons Ban is the right thing to do.

I am pleased to join Senator Feinstein in introducing this legislation, and it is my hope that the Senate will act expeditiously and send this legislation to President Bush to sign into law.

Leaving his AWB reduced crime statement alone for a moment, how can a sane person say this:

No longer is America protected by the great oceans. The war on terror is not only being fought abroad, but now here at home. September 11 showed us that terrorism lurks in the shadows of our own backyard.

and conclude this:

Given the world today, now is not the time to make it easier for terrorists to acquire deadly rapid fire assault weapons and use them in our neighborhoods.

What's with these morons? If criminals don't obey laws does he believe terrorists will? Now we need to disarm law abiding citizens to prevent terrorism??!!?? :banghead:

Why can't these people simply be honest and state that they are all hopeless, unrepentant hoplophobes and they simply want to take all of our guns and turn the country over to OBL and the Boys. At least you'd have to give them points for being honest.

- Abe

Hear! Hear!

When does his term expire?

Added by edit: Abe the link isn't - what search string did you use?
Hey all, Warner supported the vote for cloture on this bill. If he really does support an AWB renewal amendment for it, he just hurt his chances of getting one pretty badly.
Thomas is sure nice to have but a bit confusing to navigate...

First, go here:

then select: 26 . STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS -- (Senate - February 24, 2004)

then select: Page: S1524 and scroll about half way down the page.

or try this: which is what I thought I originally posted.

I will temporarily revise my previous remarks about the senator in light of his vote for cloture, but will be watching his rhetoric and looking for his vote to pass the clean bill.

- Abe
Abe, you were right - there are amendments and Warner apparently supports the AWB amendment. He voted for cloture but will also vote to attach the AWB renewal to S.1805 apparently. :barf:

Resume slagging him mercilessly
Hmmm. One of the hill staffers I had drinks with a few weeks ago works for Warner. (See post on topic here)

This was one of the guys stating that the AWB and the protection act would never see the light of joint committee. He (the staffer) understood perfectly that my support for the R's would be actively re-directed in November, if they tried to pull a fast one on these hot issues. As well as the support of gun owners across VA and America.

I wonder if he'll take my call this afternoon. Should I ask for my beers back?


Edit for fat finger typing

Already put a message in.

Unfortunately, I can’t spend today on the phone, or even better, on the hill. I need to spend my time doing résumé’s and interviews.

Which again, raises the question in my mind; what do these gun grabbers that spend all their time lobbying against us DO for a living?

I guess Bush thinks by having his little rubber stampers do his dirty work on his behalf he stays clean? Like Warner said though...what are you gonna do about it? :(
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