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VCDL Sues Katie Couric

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Katie Couric and the producer are facing a $12 Million dollar defamation lawsuit for misleading edits in their documentary "Under The Gun".

Despite being called out on the edits, Couric and the other filmmakers have refused to fix the film, refused to stop promoting it, and refused to stop distributing it. The only way to hold Couric accountable was by filing the lawsuit.

At the central issue is a clip that shows 9 seconds of silence when the participants were asked questions about background checks when in fact the participants answered immediately.

I'd say the VCDL has a damn good case of defamation in my opinion. It's about time the mainstream media is taken to task like this!
Just wish the justice department would prosecute her and her minions for the illegal firearm purchase. But wait, she is on the side that does not get prosecuted for gun or other crimes if she has the same political stance as bho........

I'm very skeptical that anything will come of this. I say that because of you're in a high ranking government position, a featured member of the press (as in Couric's case) or a CEO of a large business (just to name a few) you can get away with murder. No one in a high position in this country fears persecution of any kind for whatever harm they may have caused. It's a national disgrace!
You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of jourmalists into what I call the 'basket of deplorables.'

Good for them. I let my VCDL membership lag... I think I'll be digging up my membership card and reupping this afternoon.
If all states had an organization as strong as the VCDL, there would be a lot fewer anti-firearm situations in this country.
Looks like ol' Katie is still at it. She was part of the hit piece on GM's pickup trucks with side mounted fuel tanks years ago. When the truth came out about what they actually did to get the tanks to explode the only ones not fired were Katy and the other talking head. She will probably slide on this one also.
I also let my VCDL membership lapse. I'll renew it pronto.

And Milt in Greensboro, there is hope. 2 Illinois Governors have gone to jail, Martha Stewart went to jail, sometimes the big fish end up in the slammer or losing lawsuits.

We suffered with the Statist Couric in South Florida early in her less than sterling career. This time she may go down for the count .
Anyone know what their chance of succeeding with this lawsuit is?
"I take responsibility for a decision that misrepresented an exchange I had with members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League" - Katie Couric May 2016 in response to the edits in "Under the Gun"

I can't see any way how this is going to go any way but bad for her. She's already acknowledged that her decisions lead to the film intentionally misrepresenting the people in the film in a negative manner and is steadfastly refusing to correct it.
Maybe she's got a clause in her contract that says she can't be fired for slander or libel or throwing rocks through your window or malicious mopery or anything at all unethical.

I'm glad VCDL is taking a tough stand on this. It re-focuses on the horrible state of reportage, AKA the "New Journalism" movement we've been seeing and victimized by, both subtly and blatantly.

In a recent example of this, I see two paragraphs of anti-gun [STRIKE]lies[/STRIKE] blather by Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal which went unchallenged in the Fox news report at:


I quote for the record, in case Fox "edits" that report:

"The targets in our area are black boys, not pheasants," said Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, who represents Ferguson, where sometimes violent protests broke out after the fatal police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in 2014. The police officer, Darren Wilson, was cleared of wrongdoing by state and federal investigations.

"What I don't want to get to is the point where there is a trigger-happy police officer or bad Samaritan like Zimmerman who says, 'Black boy in the hood. Skittles. Let's shoot,"' Chappelle-Nadal said, a reference to Trayvon Martin, a black 17-year-old who was walking back from a Florida convenience store after buying ice tea and Skittles when he was fatally shot by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in 2012.
[Ads and images redacted by poster.]

There was only a single line "buffer" to this in their whole report.

I also object to them using the phrase "registered guns" in States where there is no registration, when they probably really mean "estimates of gun ownership" --if that. Let's promulgate the idea that all guns should be "registered," shall we?

I'm thinking that a whole bunch more "journalists" should be fired or chastized after I see things like that presented as news and unchallenged. I guess they have a right to lie guaranteed by our constitution. A lie by omission is still a lie.

Yeah, call this a rant if you will, but some things these "journalists" pull deserve more than just a rant by some deplorable poster (me) on one of those deplorable gun sites (THR).

Terry, 230RN
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