Vectors? where are they?

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David S

Jan 11, 2003
I remember reading some years back about a polymer framed gun made by Vector. After that some military friends of mine told me they had shot one and liked it. i liked the looks of the gun, looked very comfortable for a small frame polymer. I dont know the name of the gun, any help here? i havent seen them since...
To make a long story short, the guns were determined to be unsafe to handle live ammo and the manufactor admitted to not being able to fix the problem.
hmmmm so just bad design? darn, as i remember they were not cheap guns, but i might be wrong on that...
Vektor USA went out of business due to a lawsuit. That is
what i was told by VEKTOR In S.AFRICA where the CP-1
is still sold.
They looked like a phaser and they goofy safety was on the front of the trigger guard.

Funny and scary that it can just go off at any time...

If you had one, you could shoot someone and then say "it just went off" and whos to say otherwise?
It looked kinda like a polymer CZ-52. Neat looking is not quite how I'd describe it. Unsafe with live ammo, well isn't that special?

So, Vectors, where are they? In the dustbin of history.
I have a Shotgun News from April 29th this year and Kiesler's Wholesale 1-888-543-7537 had an ad for Vektor CP-1 GenII new in box for $299. I last called in May and they hadn't arrived for sale then. Haven't called since.
What about the Vektor spin-offs of the Beretta M-92? I read that these are South African police and military issue, but other sources say that the Z-88 is the issue pistol. Who makes it? It looks about like the actual Beretta.

Lone Star
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