very encouraged

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Jul 22, 2008
i recently moved from ct to sc. while in ct, i noticed an increased interest in the shooting especially after the obama election. for the first time in my life, i saw women handling shotguns and asking many questions. a local there even had date nights that were packed with couples actively shooting handguns at indoor ranges.

while exploring my new state the other day, i stopped in a gunshop/range outside of charleston, sc. walking around inside, i noticed a mom with 3 kids returning their rental handguns and comparing target scores. i did a double take and could only smile. encourage your family and friends to participate in the shooting sports. i think we as gun owners are winning this battle.
Welcome to S.C.!

I live in the upstate in a rural area.

We are gun friendly and view our firearms as tools
for hunting, varmits, and protection. No "gun phobia" here
in our neck of the woods.
Was the shop/range ATP or Trader World?

Overall though, SC is pretty gun friendly. Our carry laws still have a ways to go (no open carry or carry in most restaurants), but overall our laws are pretty lax.
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