Very Good Fable regarding Illeagals!

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There are so many errors in this one statement that I cannot even believe it myself....

So don’t believe it.

While it is true that Owners pay property taxes, the property owner passes along his costs to the renter or he will lose money. ergo, the renter is in fact, paying property taxes, just to the owner first who passes it off to the guv. This is in fact exactly the same as Corporate Taxes, which are paid for by the corporations customers. Remember this next time a lib spouts off how we should tax Wal-mart more.

You need to think about your argument. The owner still pays taxes on his home regardless of whether or not anyone is renting it. To suggest that multiple families renting a single residence results in a loss is asinine unless you would also like suggest that new homes are being built to accommodate these people (which would be a concession to the claim of an increase in industry). There are MORE people occupying residences, and MORE people paying rent overall which represents a net gain to the property owner.

Now, as to the whopper that illegals pay their share of taxes and are not a net drain on our economy? If a family comes here, and puts just 2 kids in school at a net cost of $7k each, how much do you think those same illegals have to make just to make up for this one cost? this does not cover the costs of illegals in our justice system and the costs associated with the crimes they have commited. Now, if you think the value of the lettuce picked or the nails pounded makes up for the deficit, don't believe it. These are the low paying jobs. the value of the labor is therefore also low.

The ultimate value of that cheap lettuce, or cheap tile, or cheap concrete is in the profit to the company, and to the shareholders, and the markets, and to the lenders, and other businesses, and the new business they fund; the benefit ultimately is to the nation’s overall economy. The issue is considerably broader than twenty kids in one school in one city in Iowa.

Now, I happen to work in an ancillary role to the construction industry. It used to be that construction paid a very decent wage and the jobs they provided were decent paying american jobs. Now that the illegals here are depressing wages for these very same jobs.

The wages are depressed because of the presence of illegal labor??? I see. So if we could miraculously make all those illegal fellows disappear tomorrow, what would happen? The construction industry would of course return to a vital and vibrant state with an abundance of high-paid jobs right? There would be no loss of contracts of course, because there is no issue of economic strife underlying the decision to encourage the employment of illegal labor, right? It is simply the fact that there are people WILLING to work cheap that is causing a problem, it isn’t a situation of customers unable to afford what you would like them to pay you, right? I mean, there was no recession in the building and trades industries before all these illegals showed up, right?

happen to be a total free market conservative and want the most competitive prices and wages for every job out there, but this throws a monkey wrench into the equation. When these people steal another's SS number, causing that person time and money to straighten this out and cause the numerous problems associated with them, my only recourse is to kick them out of the country, lock them up or hunt them down.

Hey, hey, hey… “hunt them down” ???

That’s not funny remember?
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