Virginian Dragoon part lots

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Oct 3, 2007
I noticed that when I put Virginian Dragoon in the search engine of Gun Broker, I always see several "part lots" with old cylinders, grip frames and whatever else. I dont find this for most of the other guns I search. I own a Virginian Dragoon and believe it to be a solid revolver that should last a lifetime. Why are so many parted out like this?
Possibly because they were made by Interarms and when they went out of business maybe leftover Virginian Dragoon parts were sold off to gun parts dealers. Also I believe due to a safety issue with the gun itself, production was halted and never resumed.
Possibly because they were made by Interarms and when they went out of business maybe leftover Virginian Dragoon parts were sold off to gun parts dealers. Also I believe due to a safety issue with the gun itself, production was halted and never resumed.

Everything I've read indicates that the Virginia dragoon was discontinued because it was not profitable or competitive with the Blackhawk. The Blackhawk was selling for $200, the VD for $280.
I've never read about any safety issues, though.
The VD did have a reputation for oversized throats and chambers, mine certainly has large chambers.
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