Viridian lasers

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Nov 19, 2007
L.A. Lower Arkansas
So besides Logger, how many people here have experience with the Viridian brand of lasers? And the Tac Loc holsters. Does this holster run down the battery quicker? Is it only a pocket holster or can it be worn as either a IWB or OWB? Thanks.
I discovered Viridian very early in their production. Long before they came out with their ECR capability. Even though I have used the same C5L for years it has never given me any problem or even a trip back to the factory. I have one tacloc (non ECR holster) for a Walther P99 and C5L combo that I bought about a year after I got the laser. I bought the holster since there were not many companies making laser compatible holsters at the time, and I am not a fan of OWB holsters. So my experience with their in house holsters is limited. I carry my Viridian equipped weapons in a White Hat holster, as they make cuts in the kydex for the popular models from Viridian, CT, and some Surefire.

Personally I do not like the ECR capability they came out with. When they did invent it, Viridian sent me an email offering to upgrade my C5L to be ECR compatible. I responded politely and let them know I prefer to control when my laser is on.

Viridian has gotten some frack for their lasers draining the battery even when the unit is off. Most electronics do draw power when they are off (computers, TV etc) but few companies will tell you. They way I look at it, firearms need maintenance and anything attached to them need it as well. People rely on smoke detectors to save their life in the event of a fire, and check those batteries often. It makes no sense to me that they would not check the batteries on a weapon light or laser, as I have seen complained about in reviews. Another way to offset the battery drain is to use rechargeable batteries. I found a CR2/CR123 battery charger on Amazon for about as much as a 3 pack of CR2 batteries. I change out the batteries in my EDC flashlight (CR123) and my Viridian (CR2) every other week just to keep them fresh.
Thanks. Yeah the main reason I am interested in the holster is that it's the only holster I've seen that fits a gun with a rail mounted sight or light. But I think the inside the pocket style of holster might be uncomfortable. I already carry a good bit of stuff in both front pockets now. And when you sit down, wouldn't the barrel end poke you in the leg?
Depends on the firearm. If you try to pocket carry a 5" 1911, yeah it might end up poking you in the leg. A good holster will make or break pocket carry comfort just as much as smart firearm choice. When I pocket carried I used an Uncle Mike's but I have heard good things about Desantis holsters as well.
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