WA to OH Residence Change/Can I accept gun from Family as gift?

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Jul 2, 2003
I'll be changing to OH soon and was wondering if I can accept a handgun from a family member as a gift when I'm an Ohio resident. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
And what's with the 90 day residency requirement before being able to buy a handgun? I have utility bills that go back 90 days but is this proof enough after I get my license?
Unless there's something in state law, there's no 90 day period under federal law to buy a handgun in the state that you reside in. You used to live in WA. You now live in OH. You have an OH driver license, and intend to reside in OH now, then you're legal to buy a handgun per federal law.

Again, state law is a different kettle of fish.
Not aware of gun purchasing problems. But if you're coming from the green mountains, beautiful landscapes of Washington state to gray, flat Ohio, that may be a problem. :D
Me: born in OH 1962; moved to WA 1987; returned to OH 1998. Yes, I miss the northwest.

The family member who would be giving you this handgun, where do they reside? If in WA, do the transfer before you become an OH resident; if in OH, do it after. If neither will work, pay $25-30 and do an FFL transfer. If the handgun is old (say pre-1968), has never been transfered "on paper" and you really want to keep it that way, . . . well, you already know the answer.
Thanks for the replies! I will eventually be moving back to WA (couple to few years) but am pretty much forced to be in OH. My family is in WA so I'm hoping to get the transfer done asap.
I was told by Stonewall gun store south of Cleveland that I'd have to bring in proof that I've lived in OH for 90 days and that could be utilities/phone line stuff but does this really prove it? Or will I have to sign something saying I've been a resident for 90 days? My license won't reflect that.
Any more thoughts to this?
I was told by Stonewall gun store south of Cleveland that I'd have to bring in proof that I've lived in OH for 90 days and that could be utilities/phone line stuff but does this really prove it? Or will I have to sign something saying I've been a resident for 90 days? My license won't reflect that.

They are full of crap, and you should go to another gun store to do the transfer. You shouldn't reward idiots who put roadblocks in your way to getting your gun transferred. The problem is that some gun stores out there think that firearms transfers are "bad" since it undercuts their bottom line. They'd rather you spend 450 on their new gun rather than transfer it from out of state.

FFL Transfer Lists
My mistake. I meant that Stonewall needed the 90 days worth of proof for buying something from them. If that applies to transfers too (for OH or Cuyahoga County or Cleveland), I don't know.
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