walker's game ear

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Sep 18, 2005
Thinking about getting the walkers hearing aid type, not the muffs. I am kind of confused about how they work since they are sold with only one, not as a set. Not sure why they don't sell them as a set or for some reason do you only need one or are they sold as the hearing enhancement feature as the main selling point.
I bought two of the Game Ears for about $130 each. One stopped working after 50 hours of use, the other after about 100 hours. Since they were over a year old the warranty had expired. They were good for still hunting in calm conditions but would sound like radio static once winds picked up to 5-10 mph. When walking it would sound like you were walking on potato chips. Rather than spend $260 more to replace them for the short time that they worked I just use a set of thin electronic muffs that cost about $60 (Leight brand). Hope this helps.
Best wishes-oldandslow
Similar disappointing results with Walker products. No further comment.
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