Walking The High Road

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JohnJames - You have 7 posts. How many THR members do you know?

On the topic under discussion...WHAT CONTROVERSY? The moderators do a good job. I would have said a great job, but they need to be faster on the trigger when a thread needs closing or somebody needs a time out for not heeding a warning.

Anybody needing an option can go register a name and start a board to meet their own needs.


P.S. - It's all a giant nationwide mass case of PTSD.
cool Art...I'll get my post in...

Hi all,

I sometimes scan through the L&P forum...but don't often post there. I am one of the non-like minded beings on this board. If you ask me a question, I'll give you an honest answer...I prefer that I not be labelled as a Polyanna bubblesuited convuluted thinker...but hey, if that's what one needs to get one's point across then so be it.

I'm a Democrat, on active military service for the past 20 years (thinking about making it a career ;) ) who thinks a little different from the party. I've been there and done that...well I haven't been everywhere...and haven't done everything...ok I've been someplaces and done somethings...but I am still well respected in my community.

I appreciate this site and most of the time spend reading rather than posting. It's fun. I hope the people here who are posted about their concerns don't leave. Diversity and knowledge is what makes this place a great site.

The moderators are just doing their job. We as participants have a job to do that Pax has eloquently stated in one of jim's many closed threads ;) .

Anyways just my two cents...


It takes a village....ok ok don't get wound up...I'm just toying with you a little :)
I had some withdrawal pains when the decision to confine the scope of discussions was first announced. After thinking about it, I have decided that I welcome this change, because I found it hard to find anything half way sensible and anything other than negative, bashing this, bashing that. I also found too much with which I did not want to be associated.

While I learned some things and found it seductive, most of my posting was an effort to inject some sanity or balance along with a less negative viewpoint. Trying to be level headed should not require being on the defensive, so I will simply stop participating in negative this/negative that threads.

I wrote a set of guidelines almost a year ago for my own multimedia gun site. Upon reviewing the text, I found it very much in line with the new policy at THR. One thing it includes that has not been mentioned here explicitly is a prohibition of "ugly American nationalism", acknowledging that the site was potentially read worldwide and that it would not contain anything of which I was personally ashamed, unwilling to sponsor, and for which I was unwilling to be accountable by implication.

The guiding principle that I and two other moderators use is to limit anything that is "destructive" to the list. Religious doctrine and off topic politics are specifically mentioned as unwelcome. A post must have some bearing on gun ownership.

The essential element of a forum is that subscribers should be generally like minded. The main premise of the forum defines the essential common ground. It makes perfect sense to require that threads have some bearing on gun ownership.

I think it is best to discuss politics within a group that is not far apart in position, so I plan to do my politicking on a political party site. Otherwise one might lurk on a forum to see what other viewpoints might be rather than be confrontational in response. That is to say that if there is any bashing to be done, it will be where no one differs wildly from such a sentiment. Otherwise nothing good will come of it. The GOPUSA site includes a gun advocate forum, so I think I may hang out there for awhile.

Where there is no common ground politically, there will be an effort to dominate or defend, so bickering and endless back and forth bigotry will be inevitable. There is little successful persuasion, only defense of ones position. Nothing good comes of it. Those who actually value that turmoil as an intellectual game should find a down and dirty board that no way could be considered "the high road".
Real gun said:
Where there is no common ground politically, there will be an effort to dominate or defend, so bickering and endless back and forth bigotry will be inevitable. There is little successful persuasion, only defense of ones position. Nothing good comes of it. Those who actually value that turmoil as an intellectual game should find a down and dirty board that no way could be considered "the high road".

Real gun did you really write that yourself? I am almost sure I heard it before....maybe from a John Lenon song?

Yes we must avoid competition of ideas at all costs. In order for someone to win someone else must loose. We can't have that, feelings would be hurt.

Many folks do agree with you Realgun, public schools for example. I am glad you voiced this as it inevitable that someone would. Now that is out of the bag....a safe path so we all can just get along, I think I will take a deep breath and go back to bed.

Just one last shot at a counter point........

Every good idea, every hugh break through, every amazing success of mankind kind has always come directly from conflict or impending doom.
But you could be right and a few hundred thousand years of human experiance invalid.

See? No civility, no common courtesy.

Used to be on THR, that would have been debated.

Not anymore. Now, instead of debating the facts, the poster has to infer that another Member can't think for himself, but has to use the lyrics from a liberal songwriter.

Instead of debating the facts, we use veiled insults.

And people keep wondering why we're scaling Legal/Political back.

Lights out, for lack of a civil attitude, knee-biting and badly-veiled insults.

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