Warning to Ebay Members

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Dec 27, 2002
There has been an ongoing attempt to harvest existing eBay accounts from members by various scam emails purporting to come from eBay AND PayPal and asking you to login and give personal account information such as passwords and cc information. Please do NOT respond to any such email if you are not sure of its source. If you want additional information go to the link below (eBay community discussion forums) and read the postings regarding this problem. My wife responded to an email allegedly from ebay and our account was "hijacked".

Not necessarily gun related, but wanted to warn people in the gun world.

Ebay Forum Link

Take Care.
no need to warn, common sense suggest you do not give passwords. even bank employees never ask my pin number. :rolleyes:
I guess the Mrs. could have used warning...

The email did not ask for your password. It asked you to click on a link and log in to verify your user information. I did not see the "site", but it looked official to my wife who is a pretty savey woman (she married me ;) ).
'logging in' gave them both your username, and password.
That is correct Dill. In our case ebay caught it and cancelled the auctions that were placed in our name, but others have not been so lucky.

Thanks for posting this warning -- good reminder to everyone.

I'm closing it because, as you said, it is not necessarily gun related.

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