Was Clinton More Conservative Than Bush?

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The only thing that kept Clinton from enacting more liberal policies was the presence of Gingrich & a large number of CONSERVATIVE representatives that blocked his legislation.

Unfortunately, there's not a CONSERVATIVE block to rein in Bush. The few remaining conservative Republicans are pressured to "tow the party line" or be considered "unpatriotic". :barf:

If you want to send Bush a message in '04, don't stay at home. Go out & campaign & vote for a CONSERVATIVE third-party (Tax Party, Constitution Party, etc.) Let the Republicrats see where their voter base has gone....:fire:
"pay off his biggest political donors with our tax money"

That dead horse still being pummeled???

GW has sent me two checks(so far) ...and I didn't contribute a dime...but you are correct...it was my tax money.

Yes, the President is friendly to business...because they provide JOBS.

Something we need more of.....taking care of his friends has grown the GDP more this year than in the last 20!

If we don't help support business...we better all start learning Chinese!

The dem, if they are willing to talk about cutting taxes at all, would like to send MY MONEY to people that don't even pay taxes.

Try to remember that GWB has inherited a gutted military only to become engaged in a war..

He has a legislative branch that is pretty evenly balanced...enough so that compromise is required if we want to see any legislation passed.

And a court system that thinks they run the country.....

And don't forget the a MINORITY party that thinks they can prevent him from fixing the courts!
Try to remember that GWB has inherited a gutted military only to become engaged in a war..

Which he has refused to expand. The way Rumsfeld is chosing to conduct the war will ultimately break the volunteer military, especially the reserve components...but that's preferable to admitting you were wrong :uhoh: .

And don't forget the a MINORITY party that thinks they can prevent him from fixing the courts!

The minority party has proven they can keep him from fixing the courts and the majority party dosen't have the nerve to do it anyway (recess appointments). If the administration really wanted to fix the courts, every one of the filibustered nominees would be sitting on the bench now, waiting for congress to return to session so they can get the votes that the majority party doesn't have the cojones to force. I can only conclude that Bush doesn't care at all about who's on the bench.

quote: President Bush has signed a bill to regulate political speech [end quote]
that's as conservative as you can get.
How do you figure ? It is the liberals who stifle free expression with their “politically correct†labels and by labeling dissent as “hate speech.†When a California university’s students yelled down David Horowitz from speaking against race reparations, it sure wasn’t the conservatives preventing him from speaking.

Not that conservatives are blameless on this matter; for example, the Campaign Finance Reform you referenced.

From my libertarian perspective, I observe a lot more speech restraints coming from the left than the right.
"Reforge the sword."

Maybe now is one of those few tmes in American pollitics when a third party can actually happen. A lot of liberty-minded people (myself included) who see the "lesser of two evils" as a better alternative to the LP, Constitution Party, independents, or whatever have changed thier minds during the past three years. A lot of people who consider themselves conservative (my parents and my in-laws included) and vote Republican are beginning to realize what has been going on in the party since Reagan left. And the vast number of people who don't ever vote because they see no chance for any change could seal the deal.

It's a matter of raising enough money to get out the message and draw these groups together. And of course running the right candidates. The two biggest problems are the "I don't want to waste my vote" mentality and the fact that the dictionaries are shrinking, so to speak. We still have words like "liberty" and "republic" in the language, but few in this generation have any idea what they mean, or any historical context in which to place them--worse yet is the fact that in today's society they have negative connotations. The greatest trick the Devil ever played on the citizens of the U. S. was convincing them that "rights" are just a way to legalize slavery and the "militia" is a bunch of racist Nazi zealots.
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