Was Geraldo's "embedded" status revoked?

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Dec 24, 2002
Heard the tail end of a story when I got in my car this am that Geraldo Rivera's status as an embedded reporter was revoked because he gave out too much info about his location...can anyone verify for me?
Not true as he is still on FNC with the 101st. He attributes the rumor to the "rats" at NBC.
I watched his spots last night and saw nothing wrong. He seems to be well received by the troops.

I heard him attributing the rumor to the folks he used to work with at NBC, and I thought there was some blame heaped on Peter Arnett but I missed the exact nexus.
Geraldo drew some scribblings in the sand on camera, showing a very vague pattern of movement of US forces towards Baghdad. Nothing you don't see the Military Analysts doing with thier screenwriters, except much harder to make out. *shrug* I don't see what the big deal is.

I'm unfamilliar with Geraldo's political history, really. Most of this stuff happened before I was old enough to care about politics. While I don't think he's nearly as good a reporter as Rick Levanthal (sp?), Ollie North, and the other Fox embedded reporters, he's not doing a poor job, either. Compared to that flapsack Peter Arnette, he's a journalistic genius and as red-blooded an American as John Wayne. (Compared to Arnette.)
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